Stopping Time

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--- Bucky's Point of View ---

{Present Day}

I looked down at her prone body on the floor - I could see from my angle that she was shivering, and she was avoiding looking at me.

I recognized that even though my first thought was to not believe her - she might be working for Hydra, someone to lure me back in and take advantage of me. I understood at the same time that I could see Steve in her, that must be one of the reasons why I felt like I knew her so strongly.

Ok, shit, so assuming that what she was saying was true - I was still pissed that she took me over and stripped me of my free will back in 2016 - sometimes deep inside suspected that wasn't the only time I have crossed paths with her.

I found myself having very conflicting and confusing emotions. I wanted to both punish her and...hold her.

To be frankly honest I haven't really had time or the energy for relationships or anything of the sort, I went from being 'dead' to being the Winter Soldier, to being on the run from fucking everyone, to staying in Wakanda, then blipped out of existence, and then recovering from Steve's death and fighting the flag smashers.

And seeing her on the floor right in front of me, in a towel, vulnerable - made me want to scratch an inch I have had for a while. I let out a growl suppressing the feelings.

"Get dressed Chase, you are coming with me." I commanded.

"You need to let me go Bucky...please I'll go far away and you will never see me again." She pleaded. I realized then that I hated the idea of not seeing her again, no idea why - I wasn't going to let her go.

"Not a chance, get dressed."  My voice more firm and angry, reaching down with my metal arm I grabbed her bicep and hauled her up to her feet. She whimpered but thankfully didn't fight me.

She looked at me, fear in her beautiful green eyes - they were Steve's eyes in everything but color.

"What are you going to do to me?" She asked, I narrowed my eyes at her a little.

"I'm not sure yet." It was the truth, all that I knew is that I wanted her with me. I followed her to the bedroom and she turned and looked at me, I leaned against he door frame my arms cross over my chest.

"Can I have a moment..." She asked, I shook my head.

"I'll advert my eyes while you change but I'm not turning my back at you..." I replied and did just that, I looked at the wall just to the left of her. I knew better, the moment I looked away she would make a run for it and I wasn't in the mood to go after her.

She gently removed the towel and went over to the dresser, I had to force myself not to look at her. She had a more soft and feminine form, 'curvy' they call it these days - she could handle me being rough with her a little - and I swallowed hard wondering what she would feel like under me - her skin looked soft.

"Are you going to hurt me Bucky?" Her tone of voice was so unsteady that I looked at her genuinely startled at the question, she was in her underwear and a tank top. She started to put on some leggings.

"If you are who you say you are Chase, truthfully I'd rather die than harm you in anyway - and id harm anyone who tried to hurt you - regardless of what you did to me in Germany." I know it was bold and forward, but it was the truth.

I sighed looking up at her and it was as if I blinked and she was at the other side of the room, I stepped forward a bit startled at that.

" did you move so fast?" She had a look of fear on her face and she was now fully dressed.

"You looked lost in though for a moment...I'm dressed now." I shook my head - I didn't think I had spaced out - I stepped forward grabbing her arm with my natural arm and led her from the apartment, she walked and didn't put up a fight.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I balked at his confession about not harming me and willing to harm others in my defense when I saw that he had gone still and it was like the world had gone quiet, there was a charge of power in the air and I felt my whole body shiver. I knew what this meant - Loki was here- he had a way to stopping time when he wanted to, freaked me out at times.

"That wasn't your best move confessing all of you want me to get you out of here?" Appearing beside me on the bed, I looked over, unsettled that Bucky was frozen in place - I hated when Loki fucking did this.

Without thinking it over I went about getting dressed by going over to the other side of the room, determined to obey Bucky - I wasn't going to run for him, not this time.

"I don't think he will harm me Loki..."

"Harm? No...but there are other things I'm willing to bet he would do to you if he gets the chance." He teased, there was something that he was amused about - typical Loki. I put on a light sweater and then put my ankle boots on.

"What do you mean, what are the other things he would do to me?"

"You seriously can't see...never mind, maybe it will be fine, the timeline is all caught up now and you are not privy to any future event's so technically there is no harm in talking to him." Loki added walking over to Bucky and looking at him closer.

"He's attractive for a human, do you like him?"

"You know I do Loki." I bit back.

"Are you going to tell him about the other times you have seen him?"

"I don't want to remember those times myself, and that was your doing, not mine..." I growled.

"Know that if he harms you in any way that has malice behind it I am going to take you from him without your consent." He promised - there was something in his voice that let me know that he had seen something - I swear he could see the future - he had taken me back in time a few times... but I figured the door swung both ways in that regard.

I shook my head and was about to press him on the matter and ask what he saw - when suddenly he was gone. I looked up to see a startled Bucky, blue eyes wide.

'Shit I should have stayed in place.' My better mind mentioned.

" did you move so fast?"

I had to think fast and cover this. "You looked lost in thought for a moment...I'm dressed now." I explained in way of a distraction.

He came over and grabbed my arm roughly, and obediently I let him lead me where he wanted.


Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading my story! I wonder what Loki saw in the future and what the other times were that Bucky and Chase cross paths... Have a wonderful day!!

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now