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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I would admit it but I missed his warmth, the feeling of him near me.

I mused on the fact that we had never really had a chance to be together, true we have fallen in love, spent time tighter, made love, but we really haven't been together in the domestic way.

We haven't gone grocery shopping, watched a movie at home or in theaters, gone to dinner or made a dinner at home – we have never really shared a bed for a while, waking up every day next to one another.

I have felt like I had to be on the run the whole time, from people finding out who my grandparents were.

I wanted to settle down, raise our children in stability.

But the things holding me back were the painful and equal parts pleasurable memories, memories that plague me day and night of James, how he made me feel – and the guilt of knowing that because of me, he's lost forever in the timelines.

I had no idea what to do about any of it, but in this moment I wanted him more fiercely that I was willing to admit out loud – he could do anything to me and I would let him.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

Maybe it would be good if she had a little bit of fear of me – she was so difficult sometimes.

When I shoved her on the bed I started to strip her down, she moved her hands up to help but I gently grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms above her head.

"Let me."

She did as she was told, raising her arms and just not fighting me, when I felt her relax I continued to do what I wanted to.

"I like you like this."

"Like what?"

"I like you being so aggregable, letting me take charge."

I took my time stripping her slowly, enjoying each moment as I stripped her down. When she was naked before me I found myself entranced, her stomach held some lines from her pregnancy, her breasts were fuller and her hips wider – I found it erotic. This body has given me two beautiful children.

I stepped back from the bed and undressed myself – keeping my eyes on her – admiring her, I glanced over at the camera screen happy to see our children are sound asleep.

A fleeting idea crossed my mind, wondering if they would care if I gave them a sibling. When I was naked I slowly crawled up to the bed to her, she whimpered and backed up.

"Are you really scared me?" I teased, she moved her body, spreading her legs so I was able to put myself between them, I simply lined up my cock and entered her, gritting my teeth to not let out a moan at how wonderfully wet she was for me.

"I missed the feeling of being in I hurting you?"

She shook her head, and with hesitation she moved her hand and grasped my arms, her hands could barely even reach around them, she was so delicate – I watched as she looked at my bionic one, her hand running over the cool metal.

"Has my arm ever bothered you?" I wasn't sure where the question came from, and she gave me an equally confused look.

"No...I actually find it attractive – for some reason." There was no lie in her voice, but she seemed confused by it.

I leaned down and kissed her, while keeping the kiss going I started fucking her, making sure that my movements were slow and deliberate, she moaned into my mouth.

I let my mind wander from self-control, and just let my body and the animalistic side of myself take over.  

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now