Looked Happy

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Chapter Warning : Loki TV show spoilers.

--- Chase's Point of View ---


Bucky reached out to touch me higher on my leg, my heart started racing, but he quickly pulled his hand back and looked down shyly, I wanted him to keep on touching me.

"I'll let you get dressed." He quickly sat up and left the room, closing the door behind him. I got dressed in a light summer dress that was very modest, tights and nice shoes, I looked very proper. I decided to leave my hair down.

I stepped out of the room and down the hall to see Bucky sitting on the couch, he had two bags packed.

I saw him look me up and down quickly and take a deep breath in.

"You look beautiful."

I blushed at the compliment and looked down at the dress, it was odd wearing one, I couldn't even remember the last time that I had worn a proper dress.

"Are you ready to go, we should leave this area as soon as possible so he can't track you?"

He stood up grabbing the bags. I had no idea what to say that that, so I just obeyed him. And, well it wasn't like I had much of a choice at this point.

"Thank you for looking after me like this." We left the house and I looked around as we walked down the stairs to the street, it was so odd being this far back in time – nothing looked normal.

"You're welcome, I... I feel so protective of you...I don't understand it but I am going to go with it, and get you somewhere safe." He opened the taxi door and shut it behind me, then getting into he gave an address to the driver, I leaned back against the seat, fatigue coming over me.

I jumped when I felt his hand on my lower stomach, I looked up at Bucky wide eyed, he was looking at my stomach.

"Is the baby alright, are you having any sickness?"

"Uh, yes the baby is fine, and I'm having no sickness, thank you..."

He looked up, his eyes wide and he pulled his hand back.

"Sorry I didn't mean to be so forward with you."

"It's okay."

I half wanted to tell him that this was his baby so he can touch all he wanted, but that would be insane to try and explain.

I looked over at him looking out the window. I watched him thinking about how different he is. He had a constant smile on his face, he hadn't been hardened by life yet. It was hard to wrap my head around the fact that I was being touched and being with pre – Winter Soldier Bucky.

I liked this Bucky, but I would be lying if I didn't admit I missed the future him, the darkness in him that I found so appealing – a darkness that was willing to play with my darkness.

(7 Hours Later)

I felt a finger gently touch my cheek. We had stopped and got food for the summer home and ate sandwiches and I fell asleep at some point.

"Wake up, we are here."

I opened my eyes and sat up, we were driving down a driveway and approached a very nice house, like this was a picture perfect summer type home made of wood, a white picket fence and everything.

He paid the driver and got out of the car carrying the grocery bags both he and the driver walked them up to the house and left them on the porch, and came back for the luggage.

Neither of them let me take anything even though I offered - I walked up to the porch as Bucky saw the driver off. He came running up to me with a huge smile on his face.

"So we have separate bedrooms if that would make this better..."

My 2020's girl soul came out and without really thinking I replied.

"Can I sleep with you; I would feel more safter." I looked up shocked at myself to see Bucky blushing.

"Uh I guess that would be okay, I'm not very...I mean I haven't...with a girl..."

I narrowed my eyes at him, it took me a moment to get why he was so flustered, and I had to suppress a impulse giggle.

Fuck, was this Bucky a virgin?

--- Loki's Point of View ---

(TVA Home Office)

I sat at the desk that I used, things were in chaos around me, so much that I wasn't noticed.

I had no idea what she had done, everything had been changed, it took me a while but I figured it out.

I looked at the black and white picture taken in 1947, it was a wedding picture.

I had been staring at it in disbelief, it was Chase and Bucky, the real Bucky from the 1940's – he had both arms, being married in Hawaii on the beach.

There was a little flower girl that looked about five clutching onto Bucky's leg, looking at her face I saw that it was Sarah, brown curly hair and I bet she had blue eyes.

I knew what time she had gone, she must have stopped Steve and Bucky from going on there intended path. I wasn't sure that I could fix it, this was such a huge NEXIS event.

Plus, she looked happy in this picture. 

What the hell was Chase thinking going back that far in time?

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