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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I sat down next to Bucky on the couch and took a deep sip of my wine, the past few hours had been a whirlwind of activity, we had the basics delivered, a large bed, couch, TV, and a set up for the babies.

We had fed them, and they were down sleeping.

"Should you be drinking on an empty stomach? That can't be good you should let me cook your something."

"Do we even have food."

"No... if you give me an hour I can go get us some groceries." He offered, I wondered if there was a place to buy food, like a supermarket in Wakanda – there had to be.

"I think I might take you up on that offer – but don't be shocked if you come home to a slightly tipsy me, this wine tastes good."

I took another sip, he playfully rolled his eyes and got up, leaving a kiss on my cheek and lips he walked out of the door, I heard the hovercraft start.

I leaned back and closed my eyes; I was tired from the emotional events of the day.

I drew in a deep breath, something smelled different when I inhaled, and I didn't even have to open my eyes, the smell was almost a memory imprint.

"James...you said you would leave."

"I'm just checking with you and our babies."

I kept my eyes clothes, I fucking couldn't look at him, cowardly I know but it's just how I was feeling.

"Please go, things are just starting to get to where they should be with Bucky..."

"I know, just please be careful, he's in much more danger than he is telling you... can I please see the kids."

"James...if you keep seeing them it's going to confuse them – seriously they need to know that Bucky is their father."

"I know, it's just hard to pull away..."

"Just this once...don't wake them."

I moved my body down to the couch and curled up, it felt just so strange knowing that he was here, I felt my body start to shake, I couldn't hear him at all, I opened my eyes and looked at the wall.

All that I knew is that I was falling in and out of sleep when I felt someone gently run their fingers though my hair, my eyes flew open and I looked up and saw Bucky standing there, and he looked worried.

"Are you okay, you're shivering and you look pale."

I sat up and looked around, looking for James, but he was nowhere near – had I hallucinated him? That wasn't that far from the realm of possibility given how much stress that I had been under the past few months.

"Yeah sorry...I'm a lightweight."

"Okay, I'll make you a sandwich so you can eat..."

You sat up and held up your hand, noticing that your hand was shaking.

"Yeah food would be good, I shouldn't have drank on an empty stomach...like you said." He smiled at me when I basically told him that I was right. 

I looked up and saw Bucky's eyes shift.

"What is it."

"I have a mission to go on tonight, I'll be gone for a few days."

Anxiety started to spike in my body.

"Is it dangerous."

He walked over to the kitchen, and I followed him.

"Yeah, but I'm used to it...sit."

I sat down and looked up at him, I knew that I shouldn't be shocked, this was his life, he was an Avenger.

"I love you..." I looked up at him surprised at the words, it was then that I realized I was kind of mentally off in my own little world.

"I love you to."

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now