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Warning!! Chapter may containconsensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts. Mentions of Kidnapping and murder.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

(Present Day)

I sat there at the table, looking across and Steve. He had calmed me down as he always had in the past, by just being with me. 

He did his nervous tick by putting this thumb across his lower lips and his knee was shaking.

"What is it?" I asked, I had known this man for most of my life, and I knew his markers for stress. There was something bothering him.

"What kind of women is she?"

My eyes narrowed at him, I wasn't sure what I was expecting to come out of his mouth, but it wasn't that.

"What do you mean?"

"Chase, what kind of women did my great granddaughter turn out to be?"

There was an awe in his tone of voice, I felt myself relax, I knew what he was getting at.

My heart started to melt as I thought about her, and about all that she was, about how wonderful it was getting to know her, loving her, being with her.

"She's amazing Steve, strong, powerful, but loving. She was easy to fall in love with, I can't wait until she becomes a mother."

"I never thought you would settle down Buck..."

I gave him a light hit on the shoulder.

"Hey I may have been a playboy in the 1940's, but I'm a changed man now...older." I teased, getting a smile out of him.

I sobered thinking about her.

"I'm going to take care of her Steve, when we get her back – you can count on that."   

--- Chase's Point of View ---

(Somewhere Between Time)

We walked for a while in comfortable silence, just over a hill and I gasped when I saw a body of water, that had a large water fall.

"Is that...woah?"

"Yes." Bucky sighed happy.

I walked over to the edge, the water was clear and the plants that could be seen were... glowing, bioluminescent, making the water swirl with many colors. 

"Do you like it?"

"It's so beautiful."

I turned to look at him – giving him a genuine smile, I watched as he pulled off his shirt, I let my eyes wander down looking at his muscular stomach, my mouth watered at seeing it.

He was so bult and strong, I would be lying if I said I didn't find him sexually appealing.

He smirked when he noticed me looking, then he started to undo his pants.

"Is it safe to swim?" I asked, he nodded.

"Get naked, I'll keep you safe."

I looked around, knowing that I was alone I started to strip down, and without looking at him I slowly stepped into the water, I swam out when I heard Bucky dive in.

He swam over and we were treading water, the water was light all around us, I looked around, it was romantic and calming.

"This reminds me of the swimming pool in Wakanda? Do you remember that?"

I asked this offhandedly, I looked up, I tilted my head because Bucky was looking at me with confusion.

"I have never been to Wakanda." He deadpanned.

"Oh...right...sorry." He swam over to me and I felt him put his hand on my belly, I felt the flutter of my...our babies moving.

I looked over at the waterfall my mind wandering, when something occurred to me, slowly.

If this Bucky hadn't been to Wakanda, does that mean he can still be completely activated? 

"I love this round little belly – please let me make love to you..." He whispered in my ear, starting to push me back to the side of the water, I did my best to keep my cool as I wondered if I could activate him.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now