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Chapter Warning: Contains Consensual Sex, mentions of prostitution and possible trigger warning.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

The kiss continued for a long while, when his tongue entered my mouth I noticed that he tasted cinnamon. It felt so strange kissing him like this - it was not the kiss itself was strange, it was the innocent nature behind the kiss.

I miss the dark and brooding James Buchanan Barnes Jr.

Does that make me an awful person? Because in order for him to become the man that I fell in love with, the man who's child I am having - he has to be dragged though almost literal hell and back.

Everything aside it was odd feeling his arms around me without feeling his bionic one - not that it mattered but this Bucky was smaller than future Bucky and The Winter Soldier, I shivered at his touch and pushed him away gently.

Stepping back against the railing I looked away from him - ashamed of my own thought and feelings.

His hands were still on my waist.

"Careful you are getting too close to the edge...I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you like that, please come forward."

I looked up into his eyes to see honest fear and worry.

How could I destroy this Bucky, how could I want the darker and harder side of him?

"Don't apologize for what you want, please...I need you to take control here Buck, trust me I am more than willing here..."

I wasn't able to finish my sentence when he grabbed me from the railing, lifting me off my feet and bringing me back into the room.

Setting me down on my feet he reached down and lifted the hem of my dress pulling it over my head and dropped it on the floor.

I looked into his eyes, gasping when I saw the slightly ferial look that I often saw in The Winter Soldiers eyes.

"Undress the rest..."

He gently but firmly pushed me back and started undressing himself. I crawled back on the bed and took off everything, I was shy at him seeing me naked - which was absurd because he technically had already seen me naked - in the future.

Looking up I saw him standing before me naked, he might be smaller and less muscular than his super soldier counterpart but he was no less male.

"I thought you said you had never done this before..." I lightly teased.

"No, I was shown things when I visited a place of ill repute...but I've never done anything with someone, I feel so much for..."

He blushed and I sure as hell did as well, he had to be talking about visiting a brothel or something.

He advanced on the bed, crawling up on it reaching out he grabbed my legs spreading them, I almost struggled to obey him.

"Stay still my love, I won't hurt you..."

He gently maneuvered himself between my legs, I wrapped them around his hips as he guided his cock in me.

I moaned as he slowly sank his cock into me, I had to wiggle my hips a little bit because it felt like he just kept going deeper and deeper in me.

This felt this same.

"Fuck, you are so tight and I hurting you and the baby?"

I shook my head.

"No, we are fine...I'm offering myself to you's all I have to offer at the moment."

"I don't want to take advantage of you like that..."

"You're not, I want you to make love to me...please."

Leaning down and kissing my neck he started moving, cuddling me against him as he pulled his cock in and out of me, it felt amazing. Regardless of how good this felt I had to force myself to not cry, I missed 2020's Bucky and I missed The Winter Soldier.

I reached up and ran my hands thought his short hair, letting him have me as I fought internally with whether or not I was going to destroy this beautiful and wonderful man making love to me.

(2 Hours Later)

I was curled up beside him, he was passed out with a smile on his face, I smiled at that - knowing that I had tired him out.

I felt it before it happened, it was a feeling that I always got right before.

Sitting up with the covers covering me I saw Loki in the corner of the room, standing there, wearing an actual suit. He looked business casual.

"You need to come with me..."

"How did you find me?"

"I saw something that has yet to pass in a picture, now I let you have your night with him, we need to go back and reset the timeline."

Fear started pulsing though my veins at the idea of leaving this Bucky.

"I know you, what happened that made you so recklessly use the TemPad?"

I was about to answer when beside me Bucky startled awake, sitting up looking at me then turning his blue eyes to Loki.

"Who the hell are you?" Bucky growled.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now