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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and mentions of bottle feeding and nursing of newborns, possible trigger warning.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Skaneateles, New York – 1990}

I woke up more than a little bit startled.

I was in a new place, I looked outside, I wasn't sure how I knew, I knew that was home – on earth I mean.

I looked out the window, there was a lake and beautiful green trees.


I looked around and saw two tiny prams at the edge of the room, I stood up and walked over, shocked that I was wearing a white nightdress and I seemed to have been...cleaned up.

"You're up...good, you have been sleeping the better part of 12 hours."

He walked over to me and pulled me into his arms – I allowed myself to hug him then I pulled away and went to go look at the baby prams, I saw my twins, our twins sleeping soundly – swaddled.

"Where are we?"

"I had some help getting you healed quickly, sorry we had to waste no time so I carried you here, so I brought us to our new home – I didn't want to keep you in between time so we are in Skaneateles, New York..."

I looked at him and tried not to smile, he seemed so shy about this, I giggled at the name.

"Say that name again."

"Skaneateles, it's a small town, we will be safe here and not gather much attention, I have more than enough money for us to live comfortably for the rest of our natural lives, but we should try and blend in, for the kids' sake."

I looked him over, he was wearing a white tank top and I saw that his arm was different, it looked kind of like the one that Wakanda gave Bucky, but not quite.

I reached out and put my hand on his upper shoulder and ran it down the cool metal of the arm.

"Why the new arm?"

"We need to blend in here as much as we can so I got one that looks more simple but still words, Chaser I already have a job lined up here and you are my housewife for now...when the kids are bigger you can get a job."

I did my best not to be annoyed at that, I hated being told what I could do, and when I could do it, but I understood where he was getting at, he was after all from the 1940's.

Stepping away from me slowly he looked down and rubbed his metal arm, it was something that he did when something was wrong.

"What are you not telling me?"

"The year is 1990."

I looked at him and felt my eyes go wide.


He stepped forward and put his arms around me, I leaned into his touch.

"We are safe in this time, the Avengers are not even a thing, I wanted us to be someplace safe and I don't think they will look for us on earth – back in time."

He had a point; I knew that he had a point, but I was just scared, on the other hand it would be nice to not have to look over my back all the time.

"Have our kids eaten?"

"Yeah, about that, because they are part super soldier, the midwife and the doctor that I saw you said it might be safer to give them a bottle."

I smiled, I knew what he meant, two are kind of hard or so I was told by women I knew that had twins, and I understood and agreed, as their mother.

"I understand."

"I gave them a bottle a few hours ago – I was going with the ladies first method, old fashioned but our son didn't fuss."

"You seem to be good with kids."

"I want to be a good father."

"You ARE a good father, we should name them... I was thinking, for our daughter Natasha Winnifred Barnes – after your mom and Natasha Romanoff, and for our son Steve Rodgers Barnes – after your friend, what do you think..."

I wasn't about to finish what I was saying when he pulled me into a hug and his lips crashed down on mine, I kissed him back, his hand made it's way down to my ass and I giggled against his lips.

"I love the names, thank you again for them..."

I hugged him and leaned against him, my heart was happy and I was happy that my kids were happy and we were safe, but at the same time, I fucking missed Bucky something fierce, I wished there was a way I could let him see our children as well. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now