What did I Miss?

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I walked around looking for Shuri when I found her I smiled at her, I was cold, my body always got cold when emotions were at an all time high.

"Hey you are back early, where is everyone else?"

"Yeah...I'm alone."

She tilted her head in that contemplated way that she always did, she had a way of figuring things out and it was almost like she should see through things, it was one of the reasons I trusted her.

"Didn't like being away from your children huh?"

She had hit in on the head, I hated being separated from them for any length of time, it was like a physical pain.

"Yeah, they are so young – it's more of a desire to protect them."

She let out a deep laugh.

"You know that Chase and the babies are safe here."

I shrugged. "Yeah I know, but my kids and all..."

The crux of the issue that it also hurt me to be around Chase for any amount of time, so it was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place – so uneasy.

"What happened to Chase, I saw the bandages?"

She looked at me a bit confused and shocked, then hid it behind a look of indifference.

"You walked into her room; didn't you ask her yourself?"

I was busted, I knew that I had to start acting like we were broken up and just walking into her room wasn't normal to do.

"I know I should have woken her up, but I just had to see my children."

She nodded.

"I understand, she fell."

"She fell?"

"Yeah I saw the video, and no I'm not going to show you." She smirked, I gelt my heart relax. I ran a tired hand across my face.

"I'm going take a shower and get some sleep."

I muttered I wanted nothing more than to back into the room, and pick up both my kids and walk around them with, but it was late and they needed there rest.

"I took off my arm when I got into the shower, letting the near boiling hot water ease the muscles in my back and shoulders, I was more tense on the side where my bionic arm was than the other – it was a normal occurrence.

I suddenly turned off the water was worry started to fill my body and mind, something was wrong. Getting out of the shower I put my arm back on and put on sweatpants, not bothering with the shirt I walked to Chases room and opened the door.

She was sitting up in bed looking over at the crib, she looked at me, her eyes wide a clear undercurrent of fear in them, then she seemed to calm down and get a hold of herself.

"Do you want to help me feed our children?"

"What...did I just miss?"

--- James's Point of View ---

I walked through the time door, the new TVA doors couldn't be detected, even by the Wakandan people.

I walked over to the crib where my children were, I reached down and touched them, one of them woke and then the other one followed, they started gently crying.

Before I could react and open the door I looked up and saw Chase sitting up in bed, looking at me with horror etched on her face, silently I stepped through the door and shut it.

Fuck I hadn't meant for her to see me.  

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now