Innocent Bucky

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--- Loki's Point of View ---

(Present Day)

When I went back into the imploded timeline everything had changed, another family was living in Chase's German family home when I went there.

It took me only a second to notice that half the Earth's population was missing... I went to all the places I knew - looking for something familiar. After a while I found myself at Tony Starks house on the hillside – the one that was supposed to be destroyed.

Why was this still standing? That was really alarming.

I stood in the driveway as Tony got into his Lamborghini.

"Mr. Stark?"

He turned around startled at my presence, looking around me as if he expected more – clearly he didn't recognize me.

"What are you doing on my property?" From his expression it was clear that Tony didn't know who the hell I was.

"I need to get in touch with the Avengers...any of them."

"Who the hell are The Avengers...and again who are you?"

Looking down I saw a pin on his jacket, I gasped, it was a Hydra pin.


What the hell had Chase done? How did the timeline of multiple people just get erased?

I knew she was alright in the timeline, but I had no idea where she was, what could she possible done – where she could have possibly gone in the past that could cause THIS much damage.

--- Chase's Point of View ---


My eyes opened as bit and pieces of the past little while came back into mental focus.

Hunger, exhaustion and stress overcame me and I passed out on the street.

The last thing I saw was Bucky – then I was being put in a shower by an unknown women who seemed to be friends with Bucky, she dressed me and I opened my eyes for only a moment as Bucky was dressing my wounded cheek - no the irony of that wasn't lost on me by any means.

I opened my eyes, looking around, sitting up I noticed I was dressed in a nightdress, like a literal white nightdress from the 1940's and honestly... I didn't hate it.

My super soldier hearing let me hear a conversation going on in the other room.

"I thought you were shipping off today."

"They postponed it to next month... besides this seems a bit more important..."

"You are just saying that because she is pretty."

I knew my great grandfathers voice instantly.

"That's beside the point, something awful has happened to her, and she needs help."

I had to think fast, how was I going to play this? It wasn't like I could tell them any semblance of the truth, on the bedside table I saw my TemPad, grabbing it I opened it, seeing it was out of power – fuck, I had to charge it.

I heard his footsteps before I saw him, Bucky came into the room, his handsome face lit up when he saw me.

"Well well, look who's awake... how are you feeling?"

'Fucking fake having amnesia, yes, honestly that would definitely make things easier.' My brain worked out, it was the only option I could really think of.

"Who are you.. where am I?"

"Well let me ask you that question first, do you have a name? My name is Bucky and this is my home. Who would hurt you like this?"

He reached out and touched my cheek and injury gently, sadness in his eyes.

'You did, in about 109 years from now.' I thought trying not to giggle because of the ability of this.

Something struck me about this 1940's Bucky, this was a whole new side of him that I had never seen – he was so...innocent.

I pretended to think about that question, then gave him a scared look.

"I...god I don't remembered anything. I don't remember who I am."

Worry filled Bucky's handsome face and he got closer to me, sitting on the bed next to me reaching out and holding my hand – without thinking about it I held his hand in mine.

"Steve come in here a moment..."

"Who is that?"

I made myself sound scared and worried, pulling back a little bit.

He reached out and gently cupped my face.

"He's my friend, you are safe with us...we mean you no harm."

I was expecting to see my great grandfather come into the room, don't get me wrong - this man standing before me was my great grandfather only smaller, way smaller than he should have been.

I narrowed my eyes – something was clicking in my brain, this was pre-serum Steve.

Wait... Bucky said he was not shipping off yet but if I remember what Steve told me – the night Bucky shipped off was the night he met Dr. Abraham Erskine.

I looked around the room, standing up I walked over to the window, I could see something like a carnival in the distance.

Bucky moved to stop me but Steve stepped forward and stopped him with a hand on his shoulder and a shake of his head, I looked out the window, my pulse and heart rate elevating.

"What is that?"

I questioned pointing, Bucky came up behind me, I shivered when he placed at hand on my back.

"It's the New York Worlds Fair... come back to bed, I can still see you are unsteady...we need to get some food in you and...woah..."

At hearing what that was my legs went weak and Bucky picked me up, I realized that he wasn't a super soldier either, and he had both his arms, he put me back on the bed gently.

"Watch her Steve, I'm going to go get some food for her..." Bucky turned and left the room. My great grandfather came and stood in front of me.

"Can I get you anything?"

I think I fucked something up here, if Bucky isn't shipping out and Steve isn't meeting Dr. Abraham Erskine – what had I done to the timeline?

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