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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Earth Like Planet in Pegasus Galaxy In-between Time}

"Where are we?"

I looked around a little bit shocked at my surroundings, it was dark and we had walked right to a time door to what looked like a house, like a normal white house with a wrap around porch.

But it looked like a cabin more or less.

This place sure as hell looked like earth, like I was deep in the forest somewhere, I looked up at the sky and narrowed my eyes, I couldn't place the stars, they were different, very different.

"How far from earth are we?"

"The next galaxy over if I'm not mistaken..."

"Good god it can go that far? You seem familiar with this place, is this your home?"

"One of them, come on, let's get you inside."

He led me into the house, it was chilly and I could tell that he felt me shiver under his hand, he into a front room and set me down on a couch.

I watched as he set to work lighting a fire, when it started, he turned to look at me.

I was instantly struck with how handsome he was in the fire light, the light was shocking against the dark curve of his face – his long hair tied back, without really thinking about it I reached forward and took the hair tie from him.

I watched as his hair fell down to his shoulders, giving him a wilder look, he smirked and turned and looked at me as he fixed me with a very intense and unwavering stare.


He interrupted me. "Why have you picked me, please don't misunderstand this question, and I am beyond happy that you are with me – and you can be sure that in order from them to take you from me now, they are going to have to kill me. Logically you have no real reason to pick me this soon. And you have done it now without fight or question – I'm a bit puzzled by how sure you are."

I took a deep sigh and looked away, placing a hand on my stomach.


He let out a rueful laugh.

"I would have hoped you've been telling me the truth from the very start, but yes, I am curious why you have picked me, the honest truth."

I gave him a bit exacerbated look, but gave him a smile.

"I love timelines Bucky, but when I went back to 1942, and met you, the you before what happened with Hydra – I felt a deeper connection, I guess it is because you love me for me – and in some ways..."

I hesitated, I felt my stomach turn because this was a truth that was so deep in my mind that I hadn't really thought about letting it out, it was an insecurity that had played in the back of my mind for a long time and I have never really said it out loud – or even brought it much to the for front of my mind.

He moved over and kneeled before me and put his hand on my lap.


" some ways, I don't think Bucky loves me for loving me sake, I think he loved me because I am Steve's grand daughter – you were in love with me before you knew what I was, and how I was connected to Steve, and I can be sure of that."

I felt tears start to fall down my face, James reached up and cupped my cheeks with his hands.

"Doll...I have loved you from the moment I looked at you." He sat up more and pulled my face to him, kissing me on the lips gently, with that honest and loving kiss I sobbed, he pulled us both to our feet and even though I was crying, he continued to kiss me through my tears.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now