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Chapter Warning: Swearing and Possible Trigger Warning.

--- Chase's Point of View ---


"We don't have to do anything, just hold each other, I just want you close to me...."

I tried to make my voice seem as timid as possible, shyly I looked away.

Internally my brain was screaming, I mean, he was a virgin? Really? Because when he slept with me for the first time, as The Winter Soldier he sure as hell seemed to know what he was doing.

I hadn't really questioned him about his sexual past - and now I was fucking curious about it.

Furthermore, why in the hell did I like the fact that he was a virgin, why in the hell did I now want to now take that virginity?

It was officially a goal of mine now, to sleep with him before I left to find the Tesseract.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I know someone hasn't been treating you right..."

"I'm not scared of you Bucky, not by a long shot."

We walked into the house, it was cold but looked well furnished.

"I'll go turn on the heat and start the fire, go upstairs and pick one of the three bedrooms."

He put down the bags, and I picked them up and walked up the stairs, for any normal person they would have been a bit heavy, again being part super soldier it was easy and I didn't think anything of it.

Looking at the rooms I found one with the biggest bed and a widows walk porch. I put the bags at the foot of the bed, gently I took off the covering of plastic over the bed, taking it off and gently folding it.

I walked around the room, uncovering all of the furniture and nicely folding the plastic in a neat pile in the corner.

I heard Bucky running up the stairs.


He ran right into the room, startling me when he wrapped one arm around my waist pulling me close to him and putting a hand on my lower stomach.

"You shouldn't have carried those bags, they are to heavy...the baby..."

I reached up and cupped his face with my both my hands, making him look at me.

"I'm fine Bucky, I'm not made of glass just because I am pregnant."

He blushed.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want anything to happen to you two, I...I'm powerfully drawn to you Chase, I haven't felt this way about anyone, especially anyone I have just met - I don't want to meet any other women after you, and I don't know why that is..."

I looked in his eyes, I noticed then that a different man was looking back at me. 2020's Bucky had a very dark and haunted look in his eyes - after all that he had seen and was forced to do.

There was none of that in his Bucky, just evidence of a gentle and caring soul.

Tears came to my eyes at I thought about all that he would go through if I reset the timeline and made it so both him and Steve didn't run into me.

If I didn't do anything he wouldn't be captured and then tortured during the war, falling from a damn moving train and losing his arm. Being made to be The Winter Soldier, 90 some odd years of ruthless killing and then being blipped and then having to fight the biggest war ever.

Crying I turned from him, he let me go and I opened the balcony door and stepped out, grasping onto the railing as I fought to catch my breath.

He came out quickly after me, I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me against him.

"I am so sorry, I shouldn't have been so forward with you."

Turning his arms, I put my hand on the back of his neck.

"We are beyond that Bucky, just know that what you are feeling, how powerful and confusing it is, I am feeling it as well."

He pulled me closer to him and leaned down pressing his lips against mine. He didn't hold back, when I lips met, I instantly relaxed in his arms, his kiss was soft and caring, like he was scared to hurt me.

His tongue gently entered my mouth, turning this kiss to a higher intensity, I realized that I couldn't do this, I couldn't reset the timeline.

I couldn't harm him like that, not willingly.

--- Loki's Point of View ---

(TVA Home Office)


Mobius was now screaming at me.

"I know she has..."

He interrupted me, but he took a few deep breaths calming himself down.

He had found out what had happened when he saw the picture of Chase and Bucky on the beach with Sarah.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was to allow Steve to go back into time and put the stones back?"

I ran a hand across my face, Mobius came up to me getting into my face.

"You need to go to the time, pull her from it and reset the timeline before more damage is done."

He left the room, with a sigh I sat down on the floor....fuck.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now