Make Me Forget

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--- Chase's Point of View ---

I found myself trembling so much I could feel my heart shuttering.

"He's gone?"

I was shocked at how anguished my own voice sounded when I asked the question.

The Winter Soldier shook his head.

"He's still here, just not's hard to explain."

Loki was pacing and finally decided to chime back into the conversation.

"How were you able to come out without being activated?"

It was a question that I wanted to know the answer to as well. But the Winter Soldier simply shook his head.

"I'm as baffled as the two of you."

"Are you compelled to obey anyone?"

I looked at Loki started, that was something that I didn't think to ask but now I was curious. The Soldier's face got serious, and his blue eyes shifted to me.


Loki turned to me.

"I'm so sorry, this isn't what was expected...something has gone wrong."

"I have never asked about the time shifts Loki... but what the hell?"

He gave me an apologetic look then turned to the Winter Soldier.

"Look after her."

"Like I need to be told to do that. But I will do as she commands."

Loki rolled his eyes and came over, leaning down he whispered into my ear, switching from Russian to English.

"I have to look into this. He might not be who you want but he will keep you safe."

I closed my eyes as he dissipated again.

There was a long silence and I couldn't even bring myself to look at him.

"Do you need anything?"


"What can I get for you?"

Sighing I laid back on the bed, thinking.

"Honey corn bread and water..."

The moment I asked that he quickly left the room, when he was gone I burst out into tears, because all that I really wanted was to be held and loved by Bucky at this moment.

(3 Hours Later)

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing that I knew I was gently being shaken awake, sitting on the side of the bed The Winter Soldier, he handed me some corn bread and a bottle water.

"Uh...thank you."

I was shocked that he really gone out and gotten it, then again, he did say that he was compelled to obey your command.

"Is it a pregnancy craving?"

I took a bite and looked at him thoughtful, reaching over he took a tiny piece of what I was eating and ate it himself.

"Considering I've never craved it until this past month – I also crave chili for some reason, safe to say both foods are my new pregnancy craving."

I looked up at him and he looked shocked at something.

"I...he... we love cornbread and chili...did you know that it was our favorite growing up – did Steve tell you?"

He had to be kidding - I looked at him wide eyed.

"No, honestly, I had no idea until you mentioned it now."

"That baby is 100% mine." He smiled, it was nice seeing him smile, then his face sobered up again.

"I keep trying to pull him back out – I know you want to be with him."

I finished my food and crawled into his lap, he hesitated then wrapped his arms around me, his bionic arm lifting me slightly – putting me in an unbalanced position – vulnerable.

"I'm not against spending time with you, we made this baby together – and I love you as well – you're right, I know I can't have you both – but I have feelings for you both."

"I'm sorry."

"I never meant...I didn't mean to fall in love with you both."

"Neither did we..."

He held me for the longest time, then I pulled back and after kissing his jaw I whispered in his ear.


"Ready to Comply."

His response seemed involuntary.

"Fuck me until I forget Bucky, make me love you."

I had started sobbing uncontrollably, but he didn't move for a second.

"Done." His voice was a deep sexy growl as he flipped me over onto my back.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. It's your choice I,m not commanding it." I sobbed.

"I want to...I, I choose to..."

--- Loki's Point of View ---

(7 Years in the Future)

I was back in New Asgard, I had come in a panic.

"Sarah?" I cried out going towards the cottage.

I was calling out for the little girl, Chase and Bucky had named her Sarah after Steve's mother.

Bucky...or shit, it was the Winter Soldier that came out of the cottage, it was supposed to be Bucky that was with her.

"Who is Sarah?" He asked in Russian, he clearly looked perplexed.

Panic set in until I saw peeking out from behind his legs was Sarah...

"Go say hi to Loki Natasha..."

I gasped, her name had changed, I was willing to bet she was named after Natasha Romanova. The little girl I had once known as Sarah came running up and into my arms, I picked her up hugging her.

Her brown curly hair was gone, it was now blond like Steve's, but her eyes were still blue.

Something had gone terribly wrong with the time line.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now