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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, injury and possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, and swearing.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---



I cried out using my voice as loud as I could, but he didn't come, I felt very cold dread and fear come over me, this version of Bucky scared me – turned me on – but scared the shit out of me.

I looked over my shoulder, Bucky looked passed out, I turned to look again the Winter Soldier. His blue eyes held anger and frustration; it was haunting.

"What did you do to him?"

"Simple tranquilizer."

"You're not my Winter Soldier." The tone of voice that I used startled me because it was so submissive and scared.

"No Chase, I'm not your Winter Soldier – your selfishness has killed your timeline Winter Soldier."

"Why are you here."

"Loki sent me however I know you in my timeline, we are very close in that timeline. Do you have any idea how much damage you have done?"

I looked back at 1940's Bucky again, he looked unharmed – handsome sleeping in the bed, then I looked at this version of Bucky.

"Is that what he has done, sent you to scare me."

"No, he sent me to show you something, because he knew that you needed to be delt with by me – the Hydra influenced me, The Winter Fucking Solider."

His vibranium hand went down my back and gripped my ass, pulling me against him, there was a physical different between super soldier Bucky and human Bucky.

I liked both honestly.

"I should fuck you right on the bed, I never touched you in my timeline, regardless of how I's my, you are carrying?"

He pushed me back on the bed, making me sit on the edge had his hand pressed against my lower stomach, I watched as his blue eyes – that somehow looked dark – run up and down my body.

He walked past me to the closet, and grabbed a large sweater and threw it at me.

"Put this on." He growled.

I obeyed him, I was naked and the large sweater fell down to the top of my knees, I looked up at him wide eyed. He grabbed my hand, I pulled back as he opened an orange time door with a TemPad.

He narrowed his eyes at me and pulled a gun from his back hoister, and pointed it at Bucky. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he wasn't kidding.

"Okay I am coming..." Rolling his eyes he grabbed my arm roughly, not enough to bruise but enough to force me forward.


"What...we are we?"

"We are in not-so-distant future."

I shivered as I looked around noticing that we were in the middle of a graveyard, it was cold and uncomfortable being naked under the sweater, he gently threw me down on the ground right in front of a headstone.

I looked up at the headstone in front of me.

James Buchanan Barnes Jr.


I gasped and stumbled back, standing up and stumbling backwards as I ran into the other timeline Winter Soldier.

"This is what you do to him, in this timeline he dies – you caused this."

I turned and buried my head in his chest, he didn't hug me.

"What happened?"

"Does that matter, you staying with him and not restoring your timeline wont save him in the end, it's selfish if you stay."

I could feel the tears start coming. "Please get me out of here..."

He said nothing, just activated the TemPad and I walked though, not letting him touch me.

We were back in Bucky's house, I turned to face him, he handed me a new and charged TemPad.

"The choice is yours... but you should undo this, and not be selfish..."

Tears started going down my face, I heard the Winter Soldier sigh and move forward, kissing my forehead gently.

"I think I might talk to you more in my timeline...goodbye Chase."

With that he was gone, I felt myself come completely undone, putting a hand on my stomach I collapsed on the floor and sobbed.

I felt so lost, there were so many timelines – that I played with the idea of just going back in time and making sure I had never been born.

I wasn't sure how much time passed.

"Doll what is it...why are you so cold." I felt a blanket cover me and a now awake Bucky wrap his arms around me, I allowed him to cradle me. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now