The Past is Present

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Chapter Warning: Chapter contains sexual elements, as well as a TRIGGER WARNING for upsetting content.

--- Chase's Point of View ---


" are way too nice to me. I am so sorry that I got you into this mess."

"Don't say that doll, you don't deserve what has been done to you."

I was talking about much more than what he thought was going on, but he could never know that.

I looked up at him, seeing sadness and worry in his face.

I knew what I had to do, and I knew it would destroy me. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him, my body flush up against his.

He hugged me back, and I didn't want him to let go. Pulling back I kissed him, a real kiss, a forceful kiss, a deep kiss.

He kissed me back, somewhat shyly, and I adored him for it. Gently I pushed him back.

"Do you trust me Bucky Barnes?"

"Yes..." His voice was breathing and I could feel how wild his heartbeat was.

"Then close your eyes...don't open them until I tell you to."

He did, I stood up and stepped back, looking down at him, his handsome human body. I felt tears come as I reached from the TemPad and opened a time door.

I knew that if I didn't go now, I would never go. Without looking back I walked forward and went through it, leaving human Bucky alone in the house.

(Present Day)

I went back in time, I knew how to navigate the timeline, I stopped for a while in the time in between to calm myself down and stop the sobbing.

When I passed though the timeline I felt something, change in me, I couldn't put my finger on exactly what, but something changed. Regardless I continued on.

When I went back to my original timeline and I came into the room with the orange door, I used the room down the hall - I came back to the timeline right after I had initially left and landed in 1942.

Slowly I walked back into the room, Bucky was on the ground, holding his head in his hands.

"You need to go James."

"Chase...I...where did you go...what are you wearing - it's Bucky?"

I looked down at my outfit.

Right, I had been wearing something different when I left. I hadn't thought about that - not that I owed him any kind of explanation.

"Your bump it's bigger too...what happened, where did you go?"

"You don't need to know, now leave..."

"No...I...your cheek, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you - why is it healed so much already?"

He stepped forward his bionic hand reaching out to touch my cheek, I stepped out of his touch.

Bucky shook his head and closed his eyes.

You saw his body change instantly, it got more rigid and stronger, he had turned his mind over to the Winter Soldier.

His eyes opened and I could swear that his eyes were a darker blue. How had I never noticed that before?


"You and him BOTH need to leave me alone for a while...I'm not sure when I will want you around again."

I put my hand on my stomach over my bump that felt...bigger.

"For the safety of our child I need you to stay away from me."

He went to argue but stopped, looking down and nodding his head.

Wordlessly he got up and grabbed his bag, getting dressed fully he didn't look at me.

"I love you Chase, for our child I will leave you alone for now...but I will not be gone long."

With that he left, and I felt sick to my stomach, I knew I had done what needed to be done, I had fixed what I had broken.

I crawled into the bed and put the covers over my head, unsure of my next move and wanting nothing more than to disappear into the void.

--- Loki's Point of View ---

(7 Years In the Future)

I knew immediately when she fixed the timeline, and I know that I shouldn't but I went looking for her - and I didn't find her right away.

I had made my way to a house in Upstate New York, I looked at the patio and saw Sarah, same curly hair and wide blue eyes as she was coloring with crayons on the patio.

I was about to walk up to her when someone else appeared.

Someone I didn't know.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now