Not Just A Dream

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I fell into such a deep sleep that it was almost like I was transported into another time, I felt so safe with Bucky that sleep came so easy.

When my vison seemed to clear I looked around, I was in a movie theater, I watched, something didn't seem right and it took me a moment to understand what or moreover where I was.

I was in an old movie theater, and I mean really old.

"I'm sorry I never took you to the movies, I really didn't date you all that much, it might have made a difference." I looked over to see James sitting next to me.

I was shocked to see him, he hair was pulled back – even in my dream I realized how different he was from Bucky.

"A difference in what?"

"In who you picked."

For reasons that I couldn't figure out I knelled down in front of him, it was a very submissive manner.

of him, even though it was cramped, and I looked up at him, his blue eyes were dark and almost seemed black instead of blue.

"I am so sorry for what I did to you in the 1940's, you have no idea how much I still beat myself up about that."

"You did more than that..."

"I know."

He held up some popcorn to me, again I could smell it, I let him feed me, even though this was just a dream I felt dirty for doing this – like I was betraying Bucky with James, that was absurd I know.

Roughly James grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me up, with a gasp suddenly his lips were against mine giving me a rough kiss it was unexpected but to my horror it wasn't unwanted.

After a moment reality came back to me like cold water being poured over me, so fucking alarming for a dream.

I felt myself sit up and I let out a cry of both shocked and fear. I was back in the hut with Bucky.

"Woah hey doll...shhh settle down, you had another nightmare."

I had to refocus everything at that moment and look at Bucky, his blue eyes were filled with worry.

"Fuck I'm sorry did I wake you? I apologized for trying to distract him a little, it didn't work because he looked at me with poorly veiled worry.

"Why wont you tell me."

"It's, hard to explain."

"Is it about...The Winter Soldier?"

I gulped hard because in this moment I was going to lie to him, I saw no other way out. That was the perfect deflection from the situation, he offered the idea so I was going to run with it.


I turned in his arms and he wrapped them around me and I snuggled against his chest taking a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.

He moved around a little, I knew him well enough to know when he was anxious about something.

"Something wrong."

"Can I check on the kids?"

I laughed.

"Yes, I want to see them as well."

He got on the tablet and called the number Shuri gave us, she answered, and I looked beyond him at Steve...the Steve from another timeline behind her, he was looking in a crib.

Even though I knew technically it wasn't my father, it was still unsettling seeing that.

"Hey how are the kids?"

"They are good Mr. Barnes, they are in safe hands, please take some time together."

"Alright. Thank you Shuri."

"You are welcome."

He shut it off and then he turned to face him, suddenly freezing.

Even though Loki had done it millions of times, I was still stunned to see him leaning on the window seal looking in.

"LOKI." I covered myself up and he rolled his eyes.

"We need to talk about the dreams you are having."

"Why they are just dreams, wait how..."

He held up his hand. "I know things, and they are not just dreams Chase."

My eyes went wide. "Excuse me, what do you mean they are not dreams?" I cried alarmed. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now