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Chapter Warning: Sexual Content and Possible Trigger Warning.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I sighed internally, why had I let that slip, I went to get off of him but he grabbed my hips preventing me.

The look that he gave me let me know that I need to give him an answer.

I knew that I didn't have to lie about it, at least not very direct lie.


It was a simple answer, and I didn't need to elaborate.

After a second, I looked over at him, he was thinking his hand going to his chin and his thumb running across his lip, I could tell that he was thinking things over.

I had to suppress a whimper at that move.

'Oh come on how are you not figuring this out.' My brain mocked, I was kind of upset, Bucky was extremely intelligent, why has he not figured this out yet?

"Is it because you are part super soldier that you can bear a child with one?"

No idea why but I did not expect this question.

"I think so, at least that's what my parents and grandparents were told by the doctors in Wakanda."

He nodded and removed his hands from my hips, I was honestly starving and I got up off of him and decided to order some food.

"Are you in the mood for some steak and lobster?" I questioned picking up my cell phone.

"Yeah...that sounds good."

I put in an order and told that it should be dropped off in the front and I paid the people thought an app and it was going to be ready in thirty minutes.

I put my phone down and smiled at him, he stood up, I almost swallowed my tongue and gasped as I saw him naked walking up to me.

I was still naked when he wrapped his hands around my waist, going down and grabbing my ass he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

He walked us to the bed and laid me down on it, then raising himself up he put his bionic hand on my stomach.

"I have always wanted a child..."

My heart started to break at the words.

I was scared to tell him that this baby was his - because I knew he wouldn't see it that way - he would see it as The Winter Soldiers baby and not his.

I didn't think before I spoke.

"After this one, I could give you one..."

His blue eyes went wide.


I decided to run with it, I have loved this man since I was 16.

"I would be willing to have your child."

He looked more than a little stunned. He tried to say something but was at a lost for words.

--- Steve's Point of View ---

(2 Years in the Future)

After Taking Chase From The Timeline

(2018 MCU - Shorty after Infinity War)

I looked at my great grandchild, the one I pulled from the timeline after The Reactivated Winter Soldier stabbed her.

She was now all healed and laying on a marble slab in a white dress, the Eternals had healed her for me - I was in between times, the whole planet earth was quiet and empty.

I was waiting for her to wake up so I can put her back into the timeline and then get back to mine.

I had run into myself in 2011. And I was told about her, I knew everything the whole time, that was the hardest part - lying to everyone.

I looked up shocked to see Loki and pissed off to see Bucky as they entered though an orange time door.


Bucky walked up to me and even though I love this man I instantly punched him in the face.

"My great grandchild Buck, seriously?"

He didn't fight back, but looked at me with guilt and apology in his eyes.

"Was that because I stabbed her?"

"You know I know you are not in control when your activated Bucky, I'm talking about fucking her."

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now