Why Couldn't I Help It

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, injury, murder and blood, and possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, and swearing.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

A memory came back to me, something that I had pressed down but always thought about.

I felt my entire body tremble at being this close to another Bucky... he looked so menacing and sexy - almost alarmingly attractive, I shuttered as I closed my eyes and let the memory come to me.


"You have to really keep mind when you mess with time things can go completely sideways."

I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. I wasn't in the mood for a lecture.

"I know, you told me all about Nexus event's..."

"No it runs deeper than that."

"What are you saying?"

"You need to be careful whenever or if you ever go back into time, sometimes the timelines don't even out and something can get through."

I rolled my eyes and turned from him, hating how cryptic he could be.

He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him I widened my eyes shocked at him being somewhat rough with me - he never was - he would never lay a real hand on me.

"I'm serious, you need to remember actions have consequences."

(Present Day) 

I was standing between two Bucky's. An action that I did why in 1942 had come back to haunt me in a hard way - with a growl present Bucky moved to stand in front of me.

Other Bucky's eyes narrowed, and he pulled out a gun and shot my Bucky, without remorse or hesitation.

I screamed as Bucky fell as dead weight onto the ground - I grabbed him and pulled him up in my arms scared and crying.

"Relax, he isn't dead, it's a mild tranquiller. He will wake up, killing myself would be..." he looked at Bucky in my arms, and let out a dark laugh.


He reached down and grabbed me by my arm pulling me up to my feet, causing pain though my arm.

He was using his raw super soldier power and I didn't' even try and fight back, he moved me to the other room and basically threw me on the bed.

"Do you have any idea what you did to me."


"ANY IDEA... I thought I dreamed you up, I thought I had lost my fucking mind, you just disappeared right in front of me..."

"I'm sorry..."

"Steve, who turned out to be your fucking grandfather had to assure me that you were real."

I looked up at his blue eyes, they were so hard and unflinching, and it terrified me that he was looking at me with such anger.

"What happened to you..."

He let out a scoff of anger shaking his head he moved over to the other side of the room leaning against the table.

"When you disappeared, it tore my entire world apart, I searched the whole area for you - I went back home, I enlisted in the war and got myself shipped out immediately. I was captured and forced to work in a factory, then I was turned into The Winter Soldier... and I never stopped being him Chase, I was just decommissioned and abandoned..."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stayed as long as I did."

"No kidding, and what's worse is I never stopped loving you...but that is not why I am here, I'm here because of them."

I looked down and nodded at my stomach, I put a protective hand over my belly where the babies were growing.

"What about them..."

"They are mine...well, ours."

I shook my head, how the hell was that possible? I mean...how?

"Don't you think that it is odd that you suddenly are pregnant with twins, you fucked with time Chase, those babies, they will be more human than super soldier - because they are mine when I was human."

I felt sick to my stomach, he wasn't kissing and this was my punishment for messing with time.

"I love you..." He moved forward and pulled me into his arms, leaning down he kissed me fully. I fought it in my mind, but I couldn't and I kissed him back after only a moment of hesitation. I couldn't help it, why couldn't I help it?

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now