Changes Nothing

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

--- Chase's Point of View ---

It was amazing how Bucky and I worked together to get the bottles made and how at the same time we were feeding them.

For a guy who grew up in the 1940's, then was an assassin for decades then had to adjust to this current decade – he was a natural father – very hands on.

"We should do this more often, it's hard feeding them one at a time, they tend to fuss." Bucky mused, he really did have a point, they were just babies, but they often seemed jealous of one another.

I smiled at him.

"Yes I think that would help – look at them, twin jealously from the start."

There was a pause of silence between us – I wouldn't say that it was uncomfortable, but it was different kind of silence, heavy is the word I am looking.

"We miss you."

He let out a soft sigh and said nothing, we continued in silence, when we finished feeding them and burped them, we put them back in the cribs and after a moment they passed out.

"I love you more than anything Chase, it hasn't been easy for me, nothing has, even though we have two children together I still find it strange that I fell in love with a granddaughter of Steve. I see him in you..."

He looked up at me and gulped, his blue eyes held tears.

"I will come back to you if you can look me in the eyes and tell me that you feel nothing for James – we might be the same person, but we really are not the same."

My heart instantly seemed to pulse roughly – the pain that I felt was very acute and made me feel so off balance.

I opened my mouth to say that I didn't love James, that I loved Bucky – the Bucky from my timeline but the words didn't come out.

I shut you mouth and dry swallowed, I was doing the best to hold back the tears.

He shook his head and I saw his jaw set in a hard line.

"I have my answer." He turned and started to leave the room, and I followed behind him back into the bedroom.

"You're not being fair." I softly muttered.

He turned and looked at me with pure anger.

"I'm not being fair."

He advanced on me, I didn't back down when he invaded my space I looked up at him.

He grabbed the back of my neck with his hand roughly pulling me to him, when his lips met mine, I felt both sick to my stomach and intense passion.

As the kiss continued, he grasped the hair at the back of my head harder, holding me still, almost as if my body was working on it's own cognition I reached up and grabbed his biceps, the felt different, both powerful – so much so I couldn't quite remember what one was the bionic one.

After what felt like a small eternity.

"You can tell me to stop."

The problem is that I am above all thing stubborn, something I got more from my grandmother's side and not my grandfather's.

Wordlessly he pushed us back and gently shoved me on the bed and in the moment, he was on top of me.

I missed this, I missed him. He started kissing my neck and put his weight on me, I bore it simply enjoying having the warmth of him close again.

"I hate this control you have over me...this moment changes nothing."

I ran my hand up his back and tangled my hand in his hair. "I know, I still want you."   

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now