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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I looked outside and I realized that it was dark, I had spend so long with Loki, we had gone for a walk – he said that we were so far from Wakanda that it was okay for him to be out where he could be seen.

He had been such a force in my early life that not having him around all the time was hard, but I knew that there was something beyond my control that was happening.

He had taken off his horns and we were having some wine at the table talking about things.

"It's been nice having you around toady, thank you for spending so much time with me."

He set down his drink, I saw the distance look in his eyes, I knew that he was here with me in body but his mind had gone way far away for a moment, and I was able to see when he came back to the present.

"When did Bucky decided to start going on missions again?"

"Honestly it was yesterday."

Again I saw that flash in his eyes, like worry that he quickly covered up, any normal person wouldn't have caught that micro expression but seeing how well we knew one another I saw it.

I wanted to question him about it, but I knew better, I knew way better, for one I knew that I wouldn't get an answer and a part of me was scared to ask.

"Do you mind him doing that?"

It was a loadned question, Loki wasn't someone that I had to watch what I say or keep secrets from.

"A part of me minds it but another part of me understands, it was hard for my grandfather to do nothing after being an Avenger, missions are the only thing that Bucky has known, that it would be unfair of me to expect him to give up helping people."

"That's understandable."

He cleared our drinks and the cheese and crakets that we had been eating.

"I should go, I'll come back and see you."

He pulled out a TemPad but before he could dial I put my hand over it.

"Please don't wait years to visit, at least on your end, I can tell that you are exhausted, my kids love you and you look more rested than you did when you first showed up."

He gave me a tired and understanding look.

"I'll do what I can."

Leaning down he have me a hug and kissed my cheek, opening the door he walked though, I found that I was frowning at him being gone.

I needed a hobby or something, because domestic labor came easy for me and I knew that I might get bored being a kind of stay at home wife.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

"You are going to have to explain his injury to her you know." Sam muttered as he helped clean my injury, we were locked down and we were wanting to have an extraction team come and get this.

"I know, she will understand."

"You need to be more careful; you have children now, you have to think of them."

I looked at him a little bit shocked at how worried he sounded.

"I am doing this for this, I want them to grow up in a safer world." 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now