Cryptic Loki

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Warning: Chapter Mentions Drinking.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

{Present Day}

When the sobs subsided and I got control of myself I stood up and went back to the cockpit stumbling a little bit, sitting back I was lost in thought, looking at the night sky as I flew over the ocean.

I had so many fucking questions for her - unexpectedly there was a beep and a hologram screen appeared above me. I was shocked to see Sam looking at me, he looked wide awake for it being the middle of the night where he was.

"Uh, hi Sam..." I muttered, sometimes this times technology bothered me - because I simply wasn't used to it.

"Well hi Buck, you look like crap, you doing alright?"

"I don't like flying much - that's your thing...were you able to find anything out about her?" I redirected; he raised his eyebrows but did press it.

"Yes, I actually want to apologize, you were right she is 100% who she said she is..." I sat up and looked more directly at him, that was a quick change of tone.

"Are you saying someone else knew about her?"  guessing at why he had a quick change of opinion, he looked nervous, and that made me nervous in turn.

"Yes, the Wakandans knew of her..." I narrowed my eyes at him when my mind processed that.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me, for how long - I lived there for two years?" I burst out annoyed, Sam let out a sigh and rubbed his face.

"She was born there Bucky." He confessed.

He continued before I freaked out more. "Let me give you the run down, Peggy and Steve had a child unexpectedly because they thought super soldiers couldn't have kids. The daughter grew up and she met and married an escaped German super soldier - and they had Chase. Then Chase's father died last year and her mother soon followed. Back then for the family's protection they decided her mother should give birth to Chase in Wakanda. So now that Steve is gone..." He slowly added.

"She's kind of alone in the world..." I finished I didn't even want to get into why they didn't mention her to anyone else. "She's alone like me..." I muttered absently. I also wondered if I could have a child as well. Out of nowhere my brain entertained the idea, however briefly of Chase having my child.

"Yeah she has no family anymore..." That distracted me from that inappropriate line of thought, I looked up at him as anger filled every single inch of my body as I realized something.

"Yes she does...she has me now Sam."

"You don't even know her Buck."

"Perhaps, but she is my namesake and Steve was my best friend - I intend to be her family now - if she will let me be." I was somewhat guarded. Sam shook his head but didn't argue with me anymore.

"You need to be careful with her, she has been trained by Wakanda warriors and from what they told me she might look unassuming, but she is deadly, and her weapon of choice is the Sai..."

"Sai...never heard of it." I confessed, trying to think if I have ever seen it before.

"It's a very obscure weapon but she is deadly with it - and the Wakandans made her some custom ones made with pure vibranium -so please be careful and call if you need backup, seriously Buck call me."

"Anything about why we saw her with Loki..." I was worried about the answer, Sam suddenly looked a bit more troubled than usual.

"No, when I asked they were under the same impression as us... Loki should be dead, they seemed shocked at the video of her talking to him."

"Damn...ok I'll call later." I shook my head and waved him off and the screen cut off. With a overwhelmed sigh I leaned back against the chair putting my hand over my face - thinking things over, with a yet unsettled sigh I pulled out my cell phone, I needed to look up what a Sai is...

"You really should turn back James and leave her be." The voice - and the use of my first name startled me so much I practically threw my phone down, I turned in the chair to see Loki leaning against the wall of the plane.

"How the fuck did you...never mind - I honestly don't care, you shouldn't be association with Chase - she is Captain Americas great granddaughter for fuck sakes - she shouldn't be mingling with a monster like you..." I growled, knowing I was being irrational but I couldn't help it - he touched her and kissed her.

"The Hydra assassin calling me a monster, surely you see the irony and absurdity in that James..." He laughed.

"It's Bucky..."

"Such a temper on you still, so we are clear I'm not going to leave her alone ever - I have been in her life for a long time and I love and care for her just as much as you do - so I am asking you, as someone who loves her... knowing that I can't make you, but I'm asking you to give her up..."

I narrowed my eyes at him confused and tried my best to resist the urge to punch him in the face.

"I am not going to give her up Loki - not after everything he...I... have done to her." I wasn't mad, it was a simple statement.

"I was afraid of that even if I told you that this is not going to end well... for you or still wouldn't give her up?" He questioned me with a curious tone of voice.

"You can't know that for sure...and no I wouldn't." I accused, he shook his head.

He shook his head sadly. "I knew it was risky putting her in your path like that..." That was said somewhat absently, but it caught my attention.

"What do you mean 'putting her in my path'?" I deadpanned. Loki sighed and looked behind me.

"You might want to pay attention, you are about to fly into a storm..." I turned and looked seeing lighting off in the distance, when I looked back and Loki was gone.

What the actual fuck was Loki on about? I shook my head putting it from my mind and I had to focus on where the plane was going, knowing the most important thing now was getting to her. She was going to explain her relationship with Loki to me first thing.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Present Day - One Day Later}

I was in my bedroom laying on my bed resting when I saw on my phone - that was patched into every single one of the 125 CCTV cameras around the house - that Bucky came right into my house without triggering any alarms.

Despite how much I enjoyed seeing him anger filled me and opened the app that causes my voice to project around the whole house - I was mad and maybe hearing the Activation words might shake him up a little bit.

Yeah I was somewhat drunk right now, but I didn't care - I was tired and more than a little bit annoyed. I waited until he was in the middle of the ballroom to start talking.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now