Steve Confronts Bucky

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, injury, gun use, murder, kidnapping, and possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, and swearing.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

(Present Day)

I was stunned at what had happened and it was hard to wrap my head around it.

Another version on me had killed me in front of Chase, and this other me was from her going back in time and being with me before I became the Super Soldier.

Fuck this was a lot to take in, I was going to kill the bastard, I didn't care if it was technically me, he wasn't going to live after taking her.

What right did he had to take her from me, to take my babies and her from me?

She was mine from my timeline.

Loki cleared his throat in an awkward manner and I turned my attention back to him.

"There is someone else that you need to talk to - who is going to help us... he isn't from your timeline, or the one the other Bucky his from, his a cast off from a destroyed timeline."

I narrowed my eyes at him and then looked over seeing Steve coming around the corner, he leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed.

He was as imposing as ever, his hair was long and he had a beard like he did when I was in Wakanda.

"Hey Buck."

"Steve..." My heart clenched as I saw him, my old friend, the only person aside from Sam and now Chase that I considered my family.

He gave me smile that turned into a smirk, but then something darkened behind his eyes and his face got serious.

"My great granddaughter, seriously Buck?"

There was a rage and anger that was in his voice, that he was trying to not let show at the surface.

Loki started to walk twords him.

"Rogers, we talked about this..."

I held up my hand to Loki and he looked between Steve and I.

"This is a conversation that I never thought that I would have to have... at least not with the Steve from my timeline."

"And that somehow makes this alright?"

"I never clamed what I have done was okay, I just didn't think I would have to explain myself."

"Seriously Buck, she is my god damn great granddaughter!"

I let out a sight and stood up, he was a hair taller than me but I still squared up with him, letting him know that I wasn't about to back down.

"I started having feeling for her before I knew for sure who she was..."

"He's not lying about that Steve." Loki added, Steve narrowed his eyes and looked at Loki from over my shoulder.

"Stay out of it Loki, this is between us."

I let out a sigh that I wasn't aware that I was hold in.

"I'm not going to apologize for loving her Steve - it clearly hasn't been easy for either of us, I am aware of who she is and I would be lying if I said there wasn't something to the fact that she is your great granddaughter - I love you Steve, is it so shocking that I wouldn't love her also.\"

I saw his anger soften at what I explained, and he let out a sigh and his body relaxed.

"Did you have to get her in trouble though..."

It took me more than a moment to realize that he was talking about me getting her pregnant. I did my best not to give him an condescending smirk.

"It's a beautiful side affect of loving her."

His eyes narrowed but without much ferocity.

"I should fucking punch you Buck, I really want to."

"Let's find her and I will give you a free shot at me."

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now