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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts. Mentions of Murder.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

He pushed me to the waters edge and pressed me up against a large rock.

"Are you sure sex in the water is safe for the babies..."

You had no idea if that was factually sound, but you remember something about having sex in water wasn't exactly good for you down there.

"I didn't think about that...sorry."

He swam past you, you watched as he pulled himself up out of the water, it was sexy seeing his muscles flex under his movements and hear the sound of his bionic arm as he moved, not that it mattered but you were sure that he was a bit more built that your timelines Bucky.

Also, your Bucky's new arm was mostly silent, you could hear his Bucky's.



"I...never mind."

I had lost my train of thought, I was being a bit shy at the moment, he was a very handsome man and the fact that he had gone though and done so much just to be with me...made me feel some kind of way.

He gave me a smile, a thing that only made him more attractive, he took a large towel that he had brough and spread it on some wild grass right beside the edge.

Before I could move to get out of the water, he had reached down and grabbed my arm with his metallic one and easily pulled me out of the water,

Gently moving me so I was laying don on my back on the towel.

We both were still when he laid down on me, without any hesitation and ease he entered me in one swift movement, my body offered no resistance.

I made a little whimper as he started roughly pounding into me, I loved it, and it felt good but my body was still a bit sore after everything he had down before.

"I'm sorry doll, I'm making up for lost time, is this alright?"

His hips slowed as he asked it, I felt tears come to my eyes and a soft sob escaped my lips.

"No it's fine...continue."

He stopped and while still in me he took his bionic hand and whipped my tears with his thumb.

"Why the tears?"

"I...I'm just confused by my feelings for you James."

"You love me, there is no shame in that."

"I'm not denying that I do, but I love him as well."

"I know, I'm sorry that I killed him." I let out a gentile sob at remembering what he did, his head dipped down and he kissed me.

I kissed him back, allowing myself the pleasure of kissing him, wrapping my arms around him and tangling my hand in his wet hair. 

Tonight I would try and activate The Winter Soldier, while he was sleeping, until then I would allow myself to enjoy him.

--- Loki's Point of View ---

I had found her, I turned away as I watched him pull her from the water, I knew had to give them privacy.

I have known Chase forever, I could tell by her movements and actions that she wasn't being forced in any way.

I walked down the hill away from them... was she okay with what was going on? Should I interfere?

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now