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--- Chase's Point of View ---

(Present Day)

I walked into the small local clinic.

I was a little bit worried because what if they found out I was a super soldier?

I had to calm myself because I knew that if I was stressed the baby would be stressed, and there was no way they would find out.

I sighed in and filled out paperwork.

Sadness washed over me, a part of me wanted Bucky here for this.

This was his child as much as it was mine.

We went back and they had an old but functional ultrasound machine, they put the cold gel on my stomach and I looked up at the screen as they waved the wand over my stomach.

"Ok let's see, everything looks good...two heartbeats..."

"Two..." I stammered, looking at the screen.

"Yes, two, both your babies."

I felt sick to my stomach, I could clearly see two there on the screen.

"I'm having twins?" I sobbed gently.

"You didn't know, I thought you would, yes sweetheart, you are having twins, and everything looks good."

She reached out and touched my arm. I let out a giggle whipping my eyes, I was somewhat in shock at this news.

I had to force myself to get a grip as I steadies my breathing and forced myself to relax.

"Everything is good?"


She put the wand away and I pulled down my shirt and I sat up.

"Do you have some place safe to go."


She gave me an unconvinced glance, but I gave her what I thought was an honest look. I thought quickly and realized I kind of didn't have to lie about this.

"I am staying here away from the father, I am safe and out of harms way - I was just shocked that I have twins is all."

She nodded and rolling in the chair she went over to the desk and jotted down a number.

"This is the number for the military that are on this island, you can call them and they can offer some protection if he shows up."

I took the paper trying not to smile or laugh, I knew I had nothing to fear from either Bucky or the Soldier side of him if they showed up.

I would however be shocked as shit if Bucky and anyone else found me until I want to be found - I covered my tracks very well.

I left the clinic and drove back home, the moment I got in I took a deep breath.

"Loki?" I asked aloud.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

(One Week Later)

"Are you sure you can't find her?"

Sam and I were behind a young tech guy, who sighed as frustration as he looked at his computer screens.

"I don't know Mr. Barnes, she seems to have disappeared, this girl is good."

Sam let out a sigh.

"I can't believe that I am saying this, is there any way she could be off this planet Buck?"

"No, fuck no...maybe...I don't know." I walked backward and ran a frustrated hand though my hair, Sam pulled me out into the hallway.

"Look we will find her."

I gave him a pained look.

"That is my child she's carrying Sam."

"I know, we will find her...I just can't get over the fact, I mean, it's weird right?"

"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"She is Steve's great granddaughter, and you are about to give him a great grandchild - I mean, you grew up with him Buck... I mean that's just insane to think about - and you know that if he found out he would kill you right?"

I shook my head.

"I love her Sam, and anything aside from that are just fucking semantics."

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now