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--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Present Day}

It had been three days I have not crossed paths with him again and I was both hurt and grateful for that. "Ms. Kennedy Jones?" One of the phlebotomists – Naya I think her name is - came into my office, I looked up at her, Kennedy was the fake name that I had picked, I had a few identities to keep anyone from getting a lock on who I was.

"Yes...What is it?" I was trying not to sound as annoyed as I felt - when she didn't say anything right away, she was looking nervous, I let out a little sigh, and she finally seemed to get the courage to talk.

"There is a guy who is asking around about you downstairs – quite forcefully...I was told that he is one of the Avengers or something... the one with the metal arm, broody looking, kinda hot...I forget his name..."

At hearing that description of the person I felt my blood run about 10 degrees cooler than it should be, but I didn't let it show on my face however, I had a complete poker face.

"Thank you for letting me know..."  she smiled and nodded then turned and left my office, I stood up when I was sure she was far enough away.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I growled - why the hell was Bucky looking for me? With a sigh I got up and grabbed my things and took out a thumb drive from my bag, putting it into the computer a virus whipped out all trace of me in the building, as well as any camera footage sense I have been here – and blacked out all cameras for a 10-minute window.

When it was done loading and uploading I put on my backpack and opened the window, being half super soldier the fall wasn't as bad and when I hit the ground I ran for it.

I got home realizing that it was to late to make a run for it, I could change my identity quickly, I had a plan in mind to go to Finland for a few months – but I needed food and a shower first to regroup and think – in the morning I would vanish.

Stripping down I got into the shower, I leaned my head against the wall and let the water cascade down me – why on earth was he looking for me? He had no reason do, our interaction had been only seconds long.

Frustrated I quickly scrubbed my body and washed my hair, I got out of the shower, quickly brushing my hair and moisturizing then spraying my signature perfume that I have worn since I was 16, I wrapped a towel around me and went to go get some food.

The moment I stepped into the hallway I knew something was wrong.

I immediately jumped as I felt someone move swiftly behind me, a strong arm went around my waist and another cool metal mechanical hand was placed across my mouth.

'If he found out where you worked, he could easily find out where you live dumbass.' My internal voice mocked as I realized I should have just ran right away.

I struggled but he just held me tighter. He was breathing hard and trembling, I felt his lips move to my ear, tickling as he whispered in it.

"You never did answer my question all those years ago... who are you, and how did you know how to trigger and activate me like that...and why the fuck did you kiss me?" Slowly taking his hand off of my mouth, I gasped and felt myself start to tremble at being this near him.

"Please Bucky, I was young and reckless, I had no idea you would remember- you shouldn't fucking remember any of that..." I was in utter shock that he remembered what I had done to him, I wasn't expecting that, so that's why he tracked me down.

With a primal growl he quickly turned me in his arms, I looked up at him stunned, I was suddenly very aware that I was in a fucking bath towel and only a bath towel, and I was currently pressed up against Bucky and I was hyperaware that he was very powerful and very fucking MALE – his eyes were just as wild as they were in the clearing in the German forest.

"I remembered most everything green eyes when I overcame what Hydra did to me, and you need to answer my questions..." His flesh and blood arm was wrapped around my waist – and now inching down to practically cup my ass - and his metal hand grasping the hair at the back of my head - I narrowed my eyes at him as I looked up, did he just call me 'green eyes'?

Looking into his eyes I let out a sad sigh, I was somewhat scared of him, he had the advantage here, I relaxed in his arms and stopped fighting, his body was still tense, why the hell was I getting uncomfortably turned on? Thank god he couldn't tell that I was horny.

"I'm so sorry Bucky...please don't ask me to tell you anything..." he kept his blue eyes on me fiercely. A very primal and submissive part of me wanted to submit to this man.

"After what you did to me, after taking control of me like that, you own me an explanation..." His metal arm tightened, and I yelped.

"Please don't hurt me...I only activated you to send you back to Steve I'd NEVER harm you Bucky – you need to believe that."  His body relaxed and his wild blue eyes softened.

"I don't want to hurt you...I...I won't hurt you, why do you talk as if you know me?"

"I do know you Bucky, in a way I know you though my great grandfather." I was scared at how naturally submissive I was here – I knew I couldn't get out of this. His blue eyes narrowed.

"Who is your great grandfather?" He asked, there was worry and trepidation in his voice, I looked up at him.

"Your best friend." He instantly let me go and stepped back as if I was on fire. I was put off balance and I fell to the ground with a painful thud.

"Who. Are. You?" He growled, his metal arm clenched into a fist, holding the towel that had loosened around me tighter – hiding my body from his intense stare - I adverted from his gaze looking down at the floor.

"My name is Margaret Buchanan Carter – Rogers, my great grandfather is Steve Rogers, I go by Chase, a nickname he gave me, and I was given your middle name in honor of your friendship with him."

So for the first time in my entire life – I revealed my true name and identity to a person aside from my immediate family and Loki. 

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