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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

The emptiness of the room with him gone was painful, I got into the bed that I realized was way too large for me, I wasn't sure why it suddenly was bothering me.

I grabbed my comforter and pillow and walked into the nursery, there was a huge couch in there, gently I laid down on it, enjoying being close to my children.

I fell into a very uneasy breathing pattern, but happy to be sleeping near my children.


I was just about to fall into REM sleep when I was jolted awake, standing in the middle of the room was Loki.

"Loki..." I was excited to see him because the last time we talked, he said he might not be able to come see me again, or at least not for a long time.

Looking closer at him I realized that he DID look older, not that I would say anything, but he looked like he had aged 10 years, there were things with the TVA and the timeline that I just couldn't ask him about, moreover because he would never tell me.

I got up out of the chair and all but jumped into his arms, he was my oldest friend and had taken care of me in ways that I could never repay.

"Is everything alright."

"Yeah, I just want to see you and see the kids...it's been."

"How long Loki?" He knew what I was asking.

"Years..." He confirmed, I walked over to the crib and gently woke up my son, picking him up I handed him to Loki.

"It's only been a month or so here."

"I know, sometimes the timeline can be fickle like that. Well, hi there little one." He cooed at my son, rocking him.

I knew that we couldn't talk about what was going on, but it eased me to see him again, and my kids clearly adored him.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

The amount of self-control that I was executing was staggering, I wanted nothing more than to go back in there, go back in that room and take that beautiful women to bed. Just like she had said

I made my way to my room, it wasn't as big as hers, actually it's about 1/5 of what her room was, I didn't care really, I laid down on the bed, draping my bionic arm across my eyes.

Guit was starting to take over the better part of my brain because I was the reason she is in this mess, I wonder if Steve would kick me ass if he found out that I locked up his granddaughter and then didn't marry her, basically leaving her a single mother.

"You are a huge moron, and coming from me that is sick and ironic."

My super soldier reflexes came in handy as I sat up quickly getting to my feet, getting the gun out from the bedside table drawn and pointed it at...me.

Okay not this was one hell of a trip, because standing in front of me was, me, the other timeline version of me, the other man – it is so strange that I am against myself when it comes to her, I'm my own competition. It was so mind bending sometimes.

"James." I knew that he wasn't a threat, he wouldn't do anything to be cause Chase loved me, and besides how strange would it be if he did.

"Bucky." He mentioned back.

We looked at one another for a moment, I let my eyes look all over him, his hair was longer than mine, I had a beard, and he didn't, his arm was the titanium one that HYDRA gave me back in the day.

"Why am I a moron?"

"Because you are leaving her all alone – do you have any idea how easy it will be to take her."

I narrowed my eyes.

"You wouldn't dare take her from me, you wouldn't hurt her like that."

"You are right about that."

"I can't be with her because you are in the way."

"If I were to back off, to leave, would you try and repair your relationship with her."

I was shocked at what he was questioning. "Seriously?"

"Yes, if you ask me to back off, I will, and the two of you can start your life together."

I had no idea how to respond, was he being serious?

"What is the catch?"

"No catch."

"Fine, if you leave her, then I will do everything in my power to make things work with her."

"Deal, just let me say goodbye to her and by morning I will be gone."

He pulled out what I knew to be a TEMPAD and hit a few buttons, an orange door opened up and he stepped through, disappearing.

Could he be serious? 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now