You. Are. Mine

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Chapter Warning: Sexual Content and Possible Trigger Warning.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Present Day}


He started struggling under me, looking up I saw his eyes were closed.

"Shhh it's ok, don't fight it, I love you Bucky..." I kissed him on the lips gently.

"I'm sorry, I'll try not to fight..."

I could tell that he struggled not to fight, but he calmed down a little. I had to finish the words quickly.

"Semnadtsat...Rassvet...Pech....Devyat...dobroserdechnyy...vozrashcheniye na radinu...odin...gruzovoy vagon..."

He didn't cry out or fight, his body relaxed under me. I moved up and sat back, looking down I saw his blue eyes were now open and clear blue.

He sat up and looked over at his missing arm with his eyes narrowed, he looked around and saw it on the table.

"No stop..." I asked making a move to stop him, I expected him to obey but glared at me, reached over and attached the arm, rotating it after he flexed his hand a little bit.


"Ready to comply."

He was sitting up in bed, I was speaking to him in Russian.

"Can you keep things from Bucky?"

He tilted his head at the question.

"Yes. Are you alright?"

I was shocked to see worry on his face, considering all this Winter Soldier had done to me, that was a bit to much.

"Our last night together, we made a baby."

He moved so quickly I almost could not track what he did.

He grabbed my hips and flipped me on my back then got on his knees pulling my lower body so my hips were raised and I was straddling his waist with his knees under my ass.

He placed his metal hand against my stomach, I looked up at him - he ran his hand across my stomach.

"I was told I couldn't have children, are you sure it is mine?"

"I'm sure."

His hand stayed on my stomach, it was odd watching him, this darker side of him interact. He was so different from Bucky - stronger, more serious.

"Are you keeping our baby?"

There was a slight worry in his voice. I reached up and touched his metal hand.


He gently bent his head and grabbing my hips he kissed my lower stomach. With his lips pressed against my lower stomach he started softly speaking.

"Hi there..." My heart melted as I realized he was talking to our baby. He turned his head and rested his cheek on my stomach a moment before looking up at me.

"Are you and the baby healthy?"

"Yes we both are... it's a girl."

"Your not far along enough to tell."

"Loki let me know." 

He nodded at that.

"What can I do for you, how can I help you?"

"You can give Bucky back control, I just wanted you to know..."

The Winter Soldier narrowed his eyes at me, reaching forward his metal arm went under me and he pulled me up so I was all but sitting in his lap.

"Do you love him Chase?"

That question confused the hell out of me, like, didn't he know? Also the use of my actual name unsettled me as well.


"Do you love me?"

"Differently, but yes, I love you."

"You would rather him protect you than me?"

"It's complicated."

"You need to understand something, Shuri was not able to get rid of me per say - they just made it so Bucky and I could live in harmony - I have been choosing to let him take over."

It took me a moment to understand what that meant.

"Please give me Bucky back."

This time I had a more pleading tone of voice.

He chuckled darkly, using his metal arm he made me lean back and reaching down he took off my underwear - before undoing this own pants.


I put my hands on his shoulder, digging my nails into them but he didn't seem to notice.

He guided his cock into me and with my legs wrapped around his waist he wrapped his arm around my lower back and all but grinded me against him. 

"I'll give you your precious Broken Buck back, however he is to not touch you like this..."

He thrust forcefully as if making his point.

" can't..."

"Yes I can Chase, if he makes love to you I will take over, if he touches or kisses you, I'll take over."

"You're a monster..."

"For wanting to protect you and our child?"

I was near tears when he pulled out of me and pushed me back on the bed, he pressed his weight on me, I couldn't help myself, I opened my legs and allowed him to slowly sink his cock into me.

He started fucking me missionary, he was putting his weight on me - letting me know who was in charge here.

"I hate you..."

I grabbed at his back scratching it, he didn't seem to notice.

"No you don't hate me, far from it actually - and that is what is really bothering you - that is what terrifies you."

"Don't keep him from me..."

"You can't have us both Chase, I won't allow it. And my soul purpose is to protect you and our baby, he just gets in the way. You. Are. Mine."

His lips met mine, I turned my head, breaking the kiss.

"Please give him back."

"I will, but I'm going to enjoy you first...are you okay with that?"

"Yes." I meekly responded because I was.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now