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Chapter Warning: Chapter contains content of a sexually graphic nature and a Trigger Warning. EXTREME VIOLENCE.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I continued to ride him, there wasn't any change and his cock was still rock hard. I moaned in frustration.

"Something wrong?"

There was a mocking to his tone of voice that clued me in that he knew what I was frustrated about.

"Why are you not cumming?"

"You're part super soldier, you have the stamina to handle this."

My hips were starting to hurt at being spread like this while having to move them constantly, and him holding my hands still made it harder to get any sort of leverage.

"To answer your question, I have control over my orgasm, I think it's a side effect of being a super soldier, I will cum when I want to - and I am enjoying you too much to cum yet."

I couldn't help by let out a growl in frustration at that, after I while longer I let out a tiny sob.


"Alright baby..."

He sat up and shifting us he put his bionic arm around my waist, flipping me over on my back my legs naturally went around his waist and he slowly sank his cock into me again.

"Thank you..."

The pressure had released off of my hips, they were sore but it soon wouldn't hurt, he was now doing most of the work.

After moments of silence I felt a change in the air immediately, as I said before, there is a different in feeling between Bucky and Solider, and I was feeling that very difference now.

His thrusting slowed, he was still working me but he was going slower on me.

I reached up and cupped his face, his blue eyes looked down at me, sad and conflicted.


I said it in a somewhat of a whisper, moving my head a bit our lips met half way as I gave Bucky a passionate kiss, he pulled away before me.

"Bucky I missed you, why did you go like that?"

"I wanted to feel what this is like, I wanted to feel what you give him so freely and deny me."

I kissed him hard, he was gentle and it was infuriating, tears involuntarily started to come to my eyes.

"I'm sorry...I want you Bucky."

"I want you too."

Moving is flesh and blood hand behind my head he lightly gripped my hair - with his bionic arm and hand he interlocked his fingers with mine - it felt odd holding his metal hand.

Hips lips were against my ear and cheek pressed up against mine when he let out a very vulnerable moan.

I could feel warmness filling me as he came.

He was putting a lot of weight on me not that I minded, he was trying to catch his breath.

"Thank you...I'll give him back..."


His stunning blue eyes closed, and his body relaxed a little bit, after a moment his eyes opened.

"What happened?"

I took a deep breath as my heart basically shattered into a million little pieces; and it was getting fucking tedious switching from English to Russian.


I wigged under him, he got the hint and lifted himself up and off me, I rolled over onto my side and looked at the wall.

"I know, I sorry, I don't know why he is doing this. I would have let him take over if he wanted."

Solider cuddled me but it did little to comfort me. But I did enjoy the closeness of him being there, he peppered light kissed against the back of my neck.

He moved his bionic hand and gently cupped the tiny baby bump forming on my lower stomach.

"I love you, you and this baby are my redemption."

--- Loki's Point of View ---

(2 Years in the Future)

I had to go back to the moment, I put myself at a distance but close enough to watch everything.

When I knew this was going to happen I only watched once, knowing to interfere with something this big might implode the timeline.

They were in Siberia - there daughter was safe in Wakanda, Bucky had just been re activated by rouge Hydra agents that survived the purge - they erased his memory and give him two commands.

Kill Margaret "Chase" Carter-Rogers, and then the moment the mission is complete he needs to give Bucky back control - maximum suffering being the first thing he would see coming out of the darkness is his lover, dead - by his hands.

"Bucky please you have to fight this...I love you, think of Sarah..."

He had his knife at her chest, in the normal time line, The Winter Soldier plunges the dagger straight into her, going past the breast plate and directly stabbing her heart.

She dies while choking on blood.

It looks like he was going to do it, unable to do anything, I watched for what changed in this moment.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now