Loki's Dilemma

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--- Loki's Point of View ---

(7 years in the Future)

I stopped time, instantly Chase understood what I did and looking at The Winter Solider and her daughter she left their side.

"What do you mean 'I'm alive...'?" She came up and crossed her arms in front of me, she knew me well enough, it would be stupid not to tell her.

"You, you shouldn't be alive, not in the timeline, I'm so sorry - I wasn't expecting this."

She looked shocked and didn't look at me right in the eyes for a long time, I could see her shaking.

"How did I die Loki?"

"You know that I can't tell you that - your daughter was the only thing that kept Bucky alive."

"Fucking shit. What else is different, it can't be just that?"

I hesitated when she asked that, looking up she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Natasha is named Sarah, and she has brown hair instead of blond - and..."

"And what..."

I wasn't sure if I should tell her the next part, however I had already told her to much, why not go all the way.

"Bucky was taking care of her as a single father, not The Winter Solider."

She stepped back and paced a little bit, running a frustrated hand through her hair, she looked at me, her green eyes showing her inner pain.

"I miss Bucky so much Loki... I've never told Solider that, but I suffer often for missing him."

She shook her head and ran a frustrated hand across her face.

"Did...we...were Bucky and I married, did we have any time together?"

There was a serious anguish in her voice and the question confused me, I had to really think about it because it hadn't come up in the other timeline.

"No, the two of you were never married - however the two of you did have a while together."

She looked serious and nodded her head, now I had a question.

"Are you at The Winter Solider married?"

She turned a shocked look at me.

"Of course we are....you're going to try and reset the timeline aren't you...kill him and I both?"

There was no anger or resentment in her voice, there was simply sadness and a sort of determined resignation.

I felt tears start to come to my eyes.

"I don't know...please don't ask that."

I stepped forward and kissed her forehead, resting my chin against it.

"Spend time with your husband and daughter...please."

I could feel her nod her head under my chin, I felt the tears start to come as I kissed the crown her head.

I was going to try and undo this timeline... she wont even be aware that I have changed things.

Kissing her head again I disappeared and reappeared in the Time Keepers Lobby, it was empty. I sat down, shaking.

What in the hell had gone wrong during this time line? And was I willing to sacrifice Chase to the timeline? Was there any way that I could save her?

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now