Please Don't

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Warning: Chapter contains violence and mind control.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Age 16}

BERLIN - 2016 (MCU Captain America: Civil War)

I kept on panting aloud and shivering putting pressure on my wound, I turned with full intention of leaving Berlin and never coming back when I let out a startled cry.

In the clearing in the forest in front of me, stood Bucky...or The Winter Soldier, I honestly had no idea who he was at the moment, he was bloody, and his hair was messy - and why the fuck did I find that attractive?

"Who are you?" He growled in anger, advancing on me, I stumbled backwards.

"No one...please leave me alone..." I begged, he gave me a rough look and shook his head.

"No one normal could survive that fall and I watched you run - too fast for a normal human...again who are you - why were you on that landing pad?" He growled advancing on me some more, I couldn't run and I gasped in shock when he grabbed me by my non injured shoulder.

His eyes shifted to my injured shoulder. "Fuck you need to get that looked at..." He gasped, he took in a deep breath. "And you smell good..." He gently muttered more to himself.

'No shit really?' The sarcastic part of my brain added silently, then I mentally registered had complimented my perfume, the one I always wore - it was distinct and not many people wore it.

"You shouldn't have come after me - dear god why did you come after me, please forgive me for this Bucky..." He gave me a very confused look. No doubt shocked that I knew his name.

"Zhelaniye...rzhavyy..." He grabbed my throat with his metal arm, lucky he was to activated to really do any real damage, but he was hurting me.

"Please don' do you know the words, I'm sorry just please...stop." He begged near sobs while his whole body trembled.

"Semnadtsat...Rassvet...Pech...." He dropped his hand from me and stumbled back, letting out a painful cry as he fought what I was doing to him. "Devyat...dobroserdechnyy." I continued as he dropped to his knees, I almost stopped because it became clear that I was causing him pain.

"...vozrashcheniye na radinu...odin...gruzovoy vagon..." He stopped fighting, and with one fluid movement he stood up, expressionless and unmoving.

"Soldier...." I asked in Russian, I was fighting back tears.

"Gotov podchinit'sya..." ready to comply... at the words my heart ached at seeing this, my great grandfather Steve often spoke about his friend and how it shattered his heart that this was done to him - it broke mine as well.

But I had no choice. In a moment of compassion and weakness I reached up and cupped his right cheek in my hand, he started blankly ahead - not reacting to my touch.

He was under my control, that kind of power was both intoxicating and frightening. He would do anything I asked. Kill anyone...kill himself even. I didn't want this power over anyone - least of all him.

"I'm sorry..." moving forward I kissed his cheek then temple gently. "Go back to Steve..." I commanded, his eyes shifted and he looked down at me - obeying he then turned and left. He would snap out of it as soon as he reached Steve and he wouldn't remember me.

"That wasn't very wise of could have simply made him your puppet... and did you have to kiss him?" The voice was both an annoyance and blessing to hear. Turning I looked at Loki, who was standing in the clearing smirking at me, trench coat and all.

Loki - well THIS version of him, was the only one who knew of me, I never asked why or how he knew me - but I knew that he was a time anomaly the same as I was. He appeared to me when I was just 10 years old and he has hung around sense then.

"Are you going to judge me or help me..." I collapsed to the ground, I knew he would help me, he said he had a soft spot for me, he came over to me and helped me up, I cried in pain and he shifted us out of this place using power I didn't understand.

How was I going to explain my injures to my parents and to Steve? They are so going to lock me in a damn bunker somewhere for this.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

{Present Day}

"Dude are you even playing attention, you are doing that staring thing again..." I snapped out of it and looked up at an annoyed looking Sam.

"I'm sorry...I just ran into a girl today and I can't stop thinking about her or our encounter..." I looked up at him apologetically, a wide grin spread across his face.

"I was starting to wonder about you Buck, did you get her number or anything?" He was totally ignoring what he had just talked about, he looking intrigued and that slightly annoyed me.

"Uh no, she ran off - it wasn't that, she...I think she knew my name..." I stammered, something about remembering how she smelled made me dizzy.

"Uh, yeah, that wouldn't really shock me - you're an Avenger - most people know your name by now Buck..."  I shook my head.

"No it was something else, something more - she looked familiar Sam, I felt something with her, the way she smelled... it was just all way to familiar." I ran a frustrated hand though my hair, tugging at it.

"That could be that love at first sight type shit - you should track her down then if she has you so off center..."

"She ran off before I could get any information on her..."

He shook his head and laughed at me. "Given your past I don't think it should be too hard for you to track down one girl..." He teased. "You are hopeless today, let's talk tomorrow about this..." With that he took the papers and left the room, I stood there thinking for moment.

I decided to go and ask if the coffee shop had camera around and any other places in the general area as well so I could see where she went.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now