Paid the Price

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, injury, gun use, murder, kidnapping, and possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, and swearing.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Loki's Point of View ---

(Present Day)

When I got to his house I let out a gasp, Bucky was lying on the floor with a gunshot wound, I pulled out my charge.

It was something normally never used, but you could reset an event, I was going to undo what had been done to him.

As I set it something dawned on me with slow scary realization. Had the other Bucky - who I found out likes to actually go by the name James, killed him in front of her?

She has already been though enough, seeing that might have broken her.

The thought of her having to see her that made my heart clench, I stepped back and set it, looking away from the bright light I turned back.

Sitting up was Bucky, the gun wound was gone and he was looking at me confused, I was happy to see him alive.

"What the hell...Loki?"

"Yeah hello, what was the last thing you remember?"

"Where is Chase..." His voice was panicked as he looked around for her, walking over I helped him up.

He stood up still looking around.

"Bucky focus, what is the last thing that you remember?"

"Uh...I saw myself..."

"Shit." I growled.

His eyes seemed to clear and he focused on me.

"What is going on Loki, why am I so fuzzy headed? Why do I feel sick to my stomach."

I turned back to him and lead him to the living room couch by his arm, sitting him down on it, he looked very confused and disoriented.

"You are going to be a bit disorientated because the other Bucky put a bullet into your chest."

He staired at me blankly for a moment, then shook his head and looked down at his bionic hand.

"That other me, his arm was my old one..."

"Yes, he is you Bucky - but from a different timeline."

He looked up at me and I could see that his wheels in his head was turning, and he was starting to think things over more - getting a hold of himself finally.

"Where did he take her? Why did he take her?"

I took a deep breathing, to be fair to him he didn't know anything and I really should let him in on what is going on.

I sat down next to him.

"Bucky, the man that you saw is you from another timeline, Chase went back to 1942 and met you before you went to war, she messed up the timeline and was forced to leave But something has gone wrong, instead of the timeline resetting that fractured timeline continued, and that timeline Bucky has come after her."

Bucky put his head in his hands and shook his head.

"Do you know where he took her?"

I let out a deep breath shaking my head.

"Honestly I don't know...that's why I need your help."

He stood up and looked down at me, I saw the anger and fury in is expression.

"He shot and killed me?"


"You used something with time to undo that didn't you?"


"Fuck, so he shot me in front of her..."

"I'm assuming so."

Bucky growled and ran a hand though his hair pulling at it.

"Will there be any thing wrong with the timeline if I kill myself?"

"I don't know." He fixed with me his intense blue eyes.

"How do we find her Loki?"

--- Chase's Point of View ---

(Mid Timeline)

I started sobbing when I noticed that the sky didn't look normal, I figured that we were now on a different planet.

I looked up into Bucky's eyes, there was a scary coldness in there - was that the deactivated Winter Soldier in him?

"Why did you do that Bucky, you didn't have to do that to him."

His eyes narrowed and he tilted his head to the side.

"Call me James... I'm sorry but I need you to have no ties anywhere or to your own timeline."

"You killed the man that I love! You are a monster!" I cried in anger I felt my whole body shaking.

"I am the man you love."

I curled up into a ball, he killed my Bucky, Bucky was gone...

There was a part of my mind that knew this was my fault, I was the one that left him there, I was the one that turned him into this. Now I was paying for it.

Bucky paid for my selfishness with his life.

"Time is tricky you know that, who you think is dead might not totally be dead, look and me and your friend Loki."

With ease he reached down and picked me up like I weighed nothing and walked towards the cottage. His hand wrapped around the back of my neck - putting pressure on it and I felt myself slowly passing out.

I didn't fight it. I knew he wouldn't hurt me physically - but in a way, he had already killed a piece of my heart.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now