Ready To...

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts. Mentions of murder. 

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Chase's Point of View --- James, had long since came in me, it was a bit uncomfortable because we both had dried and his cum had dried.

He didn't seem to be aware of my discomfort of just ignored it as he continued to kiss me.

I gently pushed him off of me, he tried to move his mouth back but I turned my head and is lips met my cheek.

He kissed it chastely letting out a little laugh.

"Sorry, I'm getting carried away again."

While he was kissing me I could that my mind had wandered, not that I didn't enjoy kissing him but he was drawing it out long past it natural end.

I had a question about the timeline, I realized that he was a branch off of it – but I found that I was curious about a few things.


"Yes doll."

I moved my body a little bit to look up at him, his blue eyes held a softer mood then they had, that was promising.

"Am I in your timeline?"

His eyes widened and he pulled himself up a bit on his arms looking down at me with an unreadable expression, I wasn't scared but a bit unsettled at the intensity of that look.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you come from another timeline, am I in the other timeline, did you...look for me there."

He let out a sigh and pulled himself up off of me and then he moved to his side and laid on his back, looking up at the sky, I turned on mine, realizing that I didn't recognize the constellations.

"You are in my timeline."

My eyes widened.



There was a sadness in his voice. This may be a different timeline/version of Bucky, but he was still Bucky, and I knew him. I made a wild guess.

"What did you do?"

He turned over and moved me under him, leaning down he started kissing my neck.

"Something you would never forgive me for."

He muttered.

" killed me, the other me, didn't you?"

I didn't know why I came to this conclusion, but Buck...James didn't say anything. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, he stood up.

"Get dressed doll. It's getting late."

(5 Hours Later)

I was somewhat fearful of him, I knew that I was right about what he had done, his silence was answer enough.

I found it consumed me, why would he kill the other me?

We had gone back to the house and he had started getting dinner ready, I went to his side and I started helping him, he was hesitant but soon we were cooking together.

He set a nice table, and put on some music, I didn't recognize it but it clearly was from the 1940's.

He pulled me into his arms and we danced around the room, he told me things about his childhood, before we met.

I realized that my Bucky had never talked so much about my past, and it was nice to get to know him, the past him a little bit better.

When we went to bed he made love to me again, I was sore and when I told him that he stopped and pulled me into his arms as he laid on his side, and I fell into a restless sleep.

I woke up a few hours later and I saw him next to me – I moved and sat up, his eyes were closed and I got close to him, seeing that his breathing was slow...he was in deep sleep.

I took a deep breath, leaning down to whisper in his ear.

"Zhelaniye...rxhavyy, semnadtsat, rassvet, pech, vozrashcheniye na radium, odin, gruzovoy vagon."

He stirred and I watched, nothing.

With a sigh I laid back down and turned my body away from him.

I wasn't sure what time it was when I woke up, but James had sat up in bed and he was unmoving.

"James?" I asked.

There was no reply.


"Ready to comply." 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now