Sexual Intent

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Chapter Warning: Swearing, possible trigger warning for mention of abuse, sexual tension.

--- Chase's Point of View ---


I woke up with one hell of a start, sitting up in the bed I realized that I was panting aloud and shivering, I put a hand on my lower stomach.

It took a moment for my memories to settle but I remembered where I was.

I laughed lightly looking around the dark room, it was dark outside but lights twinkle.

Gently I got up off of the bed and walked over to the window, looking back I saw that Bucky left water by the bedside, I picked up the glass and slowly sipped the water.

I had to figure out how to charge the TemPad, then I could go back to when I confessed that I was having The Winter Soldiers child and stop myself from doing so.

I shouldn't have run from Future Bucky, he was upset, understandably so, but he would have calmed down, apologized and attended to my injury.

If I was honest with myself I knew I wasn't in any mortal danger with him, I had just acted without really thinking it over just as he had.

Pain went through my heart and I had to force back tears.

Is it odd that even though Bucky was asleep in the next room, I missed the I also missed The Winter Soldier, and it was odd seeing him without his bionic arm – both styles.

I thought it over, honestly the Tesseract would be powerful enough to charge the TemPad – and I knew where it might be or at least be able to track it down.

I'd have to leave Bucky, find clothes and money in order to make this work.

A wave of exhaustion hit me and I went back to bed.

I woke up hours later, my super soldier hearing allowed me to listen to a conversation that was happening somewhere in the apartment.

"I don't know why you want to keep her here – she's not a lady, but here is some clothes that I think will fit her."

It was the women that took care of me yesterday.

"Thank you sister."

"Seriously who are you brining into your home, when I washed her the other day I saw on her upper thigh like she was some kind of sailors whore."

She spat, I had forgotten that I have a tattoo on my upper thigh, smallish but it was of Captain Americas shield, Bucky had never mentioned it and I didn't think it was something to be ashamed of.

But this was the 1940's so me having a tattoo regardless of how small would be odd for a girl to have one.

"Just don't catch anything from her, you don't know what she has. She seems like a girl that would give it up easily."

I wasn't even mad at that bitchy comment, because she was right – at least when it came to Bucky I would give it up instantly, even in his time, all he had to do was ask.

"Jesus Christ, stop judging her."

I heard her leave and I sat up in bed, I hadn't tried something yet.

"Loki." I gently said into the air.

Nothing, I sighed and leaned back.

Bucky walked into the room about 20 minuets later, he smiled as he came in, he had a breakfast in bed tray with eggs, toast and sausage as well as milk again.

He was holding what looked to be a summer dress, tights and shoes in the other hand, walking forward he set the clothes at the food of the bed and the tray over my lap.

"I have some clothes for you...and breakfast."

"Thank you Bucky, but you have done enough for me, I should leave..."

"As I said, you are not going anywhere..."

He sat by next to me on the bed, and took a piece of toast, taking a bite out of it he offered the rest of it to me – holding it up to my lips. It was a simple gesture – I allowed him to feed me the toast, I could tell by his expression he enjoyed this.

"My name is Chase..."

He looked up shocked, his blue eyes wide and a smile spread across his face.

"Unusual for a girl, I like it."

"Thank you."

We sat and ate together, he let me eat most of it, he watched me closely and there was an intensity in his gaze that unsettled me, we finished quickly and he moved the tray off of the bed.

"I'm taking us to my family home upstate, get you out of the city – so let's get you dressed."

That stunned me, I knew that his parents were not alive when he went off to war, I realized that he might come from money. I had never asked Steve or Bucky about that.

" sister said you have a tattoo, did the man who hurt you make you get it?"

"I... yes."

"May I see it?"

And evil idea came over me and I decided that I was going to tease this Bucky, slowly I got up on my knees and raised the nightdress, watching his reaction.

He swallowed hard, and scanned me before focusing on my leg – I could tell it was a struggle for him, when I showed it to me he reached out to touch it, stopping himself.

"You can touch it..."

He ran his left thumb across it – then the scar right below it – the one he gave me in the future, I gasped knowing that I had never felt his hand on my skin before.

"Did he do this to you."

"Please stop asking Bucky..."

His hand gripped my upper thigh.

"I'm sorry, I hate knowing a sweet women like you has been hurt..."

I made up my mind at his touch, his sister was right, I would totally give it up for him. I was going to fuck this Bucky, and then disappear.

"Why do you have this effect on me?"

"I've been asking myself that for a while Bucky..." 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now