Same Mistake

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships – trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"Fuck..." I moaned leaning my head back, I was shocked at how he attacked me with his mouth, he grabbed onto my hips hard as he ate me out, he was going at me like I was his last fucking meal before execution.

I started to cry out loud grabbing at his hair again.

One hand moved forward, and he pressed it against my stomach, I was still a bit shy because I still had a bit of stomach from my children.

"Don't touch my stomach." I muttered gently.

He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me – whipping his mouth with the back of his hand, I looked down at him doing my best to hide my blush and shame.

"Why are you looking so ashamed?"

He moved his head from my lower body and moved upward and he started kissing my lower stomach, I felt tears come to my eyes as I looked away.

"The marks on your stomach are beautiful, this is where our babies grew, battle scars from being an amazing mother – they are so beautiful to me."

I let out a sob, I was so embarrassed by how my body had changed, having two children who were part super soldiers had done a number on my body, regardless of the fact that I was part super soldier myself the recovery was accelerated but I was still recovering.

"Forgive me...for everything."

"There is nothing to forgive you for..."

"Then forgive me for getting distracted..." I giggled when he laughed as his lips were pressed against my stomach, the movements made a vibration feeling and it was making me giggle.

He dipped his head back down and went back to work.

"Fucking hell why do you taste so good." He muttered, it was more to himself than me, I let my mind drift off as he licked more core up and down, I leaned my head back allowing myself to get lost in the feeling of him eating me out.

He continued for what felt like forever, I came more than once, grabbing onto his hair and crying from the pleasure, each time I climaxed it seemed to spur him on more.

Yet after a while he pulled back and looked down at me with a smile, leaning forward he kissed my hip and crawled up my body.

"What are we going to do now?" I muttered.

"For now, I just want to be with you and our children, I want to get to know them and you again.

I laughed.

"We already know one another."

"I know, but we need to get reacquainted, and not just sexually." He muttered; I understood what he was saying, we needed some time, just him and I and our children.

--- James's Point of View ---

I took a deep sip of my beer, I was more than a little bit pissed, I didn't work on getting her back to me just to lose her again.

"I should have killed him." I muttered to myself thinking about how I let him go last time, this time I wouldn't make the same mistake.  

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now