First Kiss

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Author's Note;
Thank you so much for reading. I was hoping to tie Loki into this story with his new TV show and I think I have done well. I loved LOKI, first episode was awesome.

This chapter is a bit more about the history of Bucky and Chase, she has been witnessing many things and many of them Bucky didn't notice.

Chapter Warning: Contains Sexual Content and Possible Trigger Warning.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{2018 - MCU Infinity War}

I sat up in my room on my bed running my hand over the scar on my leg, I knew there wasn't much that I could do - Bucky had been snapped out of existence.

Even though I knew, in five years he would come back it was still heartbreaking.

"You miss both of them don't you..." Loki asked, his was wearing human clothes and I didn't even noticed him coming into the room. He was talking about Bucky and The Winter Solider.

At that I turned my face up to him curiously.

"Why do you say 'both of them', are they not the same person?"

He came over and sat down on the bed next to me, giving me a patient stare.

"Do you feel like they are the same person?"

Sighing I leaned back farther on the bed.

"No, I think somewhere his mind, soul or base personality has spilt in two - maybe as a way to cope I don't know. But I think they are two different people."

"It might be going against the Time Laws to tell you that they are in a way two different people, and if you ever run into him again you need to keep that in mind."

"He's gone now anyway..."

"I told you it wasn't a good idea to spy on him like that while he was in Wakanda - it would make this harder."

An unwanted memory came to me like the ebb and flow of a river.


Even though I lived in Guam, at it got closer to the time when half the planet would disappear my family allowed me some freedom, and I often picked to go to my second home, Wakanda - and right now at this time Bucky was here as well.

"The kids call him White Wolf, why don't you go speak to's clear you have a bit crush on him - you watch him too much." Shuri asked from behind me.

Considering our past with one another, 'crush' was kind of an understatement.

I kinda got a doomed vibe when I thought about him and I.

I turned and gave her a look, I was far away up a small hill and in a tree line, I watched as he worked on the farm.

"You know why I can't..." I added Bucky stopped and looked up at the sky, stretching slightly, his hair was the longest it had been - and he looked handsome, rustic and earthy. One thing that I would never confess out loud is that I prefer him without the metal arm.

I wondered if he would know who I was right away if I approached him.

As if on cue his blue eyes shifted and he looked directly at me, I felt my heart start to beat fast, he tilted his head curious, then turned his attention back to what he was doing.

Unnerved I turned and left the area, Shuri right behind me talking about us getting food.

Well, that answered that question about him recognizing me.

I shook my head shaking off the memory.

"The next five years are going to be trouble for us all...but you will get through." Loki reassured giving me a pat on the shoulder.

{Present Day}

I sighed remembering that conversation with Loki over five years ago.

I trusted Loki, so I can trust that he is right about Bucky possible being separate from The Winter Soldier.

I knew that I had to ask Bucky something horrible, and it was scared to ask it of him.

This situation with me, my baby and my future wasn't black and white, and I was going to enter a grey area.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

{Present Day}

She looked fucking beautiful straddling me.

I know it isn't very manly of me to admit this - but I really haven't had that much sex, I went right off to war then turned into a bionic killing machine, not much time to date - and most of what I have done was as the Winter Soldier.

But her in this black dress that was hardly a dress - showing her curves was doing it for me.

Her hand was still wrapped around my throat as she leaned down, I closed my eyes and gulped as I felt her chest press up against my bare one.

Her lips gently touched my ear.

"I need to talk to the Winter Soldier. Can I call him out please?" My whole body tightened at the request.

"Chase, fuck no..." I begged, somehow I knew she would ask this.

"Please Bucky, he won't hurt me and I know I can talk him into giving control back over to you." She begged, gently resting her head against my shoulder and kissing it.

I felt a tear fall down the side of my face and I started to tremble. I couldn't say no to her.

"I guess after all he has done, I own you this... however I want my kiss before he takes over..."

It seemed playful but I was low key terrified I wouldn't come back.

"Fair enough Buck."

She moved quickly, and with her hand still on my throat her lips pressed gently against mine.

Something feel into place in my very heart the moment my lips touched hers, I moved my right arm and pulled her close so she was basically laying on top of me, instantly deepening the kiss - pressing my tongue against her lips I was fucking begging entrance.

She opened her mouth and I slipped my tongue in, moaning at the taste of her.

She pulled away from the kiss abruptly and I was about to grab the back of her neck and force her to kiss me more when she moved her head and kissed away my tears.

Taking her hands from my throat she interlocked her fingers in mine and raised my arm above my head - pinning it there. She leaned down whispering into my ear.


Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now