Come Here

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Thank you so much for reading and commenting, it means the world to me and helps inspire me to keep on writing. XOXO

Chapter Warning: Sexual content and possible Trigger Warning.

--- Loki's Point of View ---

I sat pacing the time between, all time stood still here, I needed to think some more.

I loved Chase more than anything in the world, but she was making a huge mistake here.

I knew that she wanted that kind and simple Bucky, the innocent one that was never harmed, she has always been a gentle and caring soul so it would make sense that she would be like that.

I had an idea, it was an insane plan to put it mildly and I would mean I would cross deliberately into a deviated timeline and pull someone from it.

But I didn't think there was any other way, Chase needed to make the choice to restore the timeline.

Bucky Barns from the normal timeline couldn't do it, her Great Grandfather Steve could do it, I couldn't do it...there was only one person who could handle this, a person who could maybe change things.

--- Chase's Point of View ---


He pulled his lips from mine and pressing some of his weight on me he whispered in my ear.

"What are you going to do about this baby?"

I thought he was going somewhere different with his actions, and I was struggling to focus as he continued to kiss my neck. I ran my hands through his hair, it was soft and I lightly grasp - didd it.

"What do you mean?"

He stopped kissing my neck and looked down at me as I gave him a confused looked.

He turned a little on his side and put his hand on my bump, splaying his hand to cover as much of my stomach as he could.

"Were...sorry I don't think I asked, are you married to the man?"

Uh... "No." I muttered.

"Then you are going to be an unwed mother..."

It took me a moment to not get offended, things were very different in the 1940's. So I opted to say nothing to that.

"I...I shouldn't have taken advantage of you like that."

He sat up, looking almost ashamed of his actions.

I reached out and cupped his chin making him look at me.

"I wanted this."

"I know, but I took advantage of the situation."

"You are making this to complicated, I want you, please don't over think this..."

I moved onto my back and pulled him on top of me. Putting my hand on the back of his head I pulled him into a forceful kiss, he only hesitated for a moment.

After a while he pulled back panting.

"I want to do something to you..."

I giggled at his shy tone of voice; the irony didn't escape me that his future self already had done plenty to me.

"Go ahead."

He pulled himself up off of me.

"Stop me if I do anything unwanted."

I let him take control when he grabbed my hips gently and flipped me over onto all fours, I obeys and I felt him mount himself behind me.

I could feel his rock-hard cock against my ass as he stroked it and hesitated, I half wondered if he was about to fuck me in my ass. Not that I objected to anal but I would want some lube or else it would be uncomfortable for us both.

In the end he positioned himself and sank his cock into my pussy.

"Fuck you feel so good, so fucking good..."

He grabbed my hips and gently started riding me. This was a posting that put him in control and I simply turned control over to him.

His ran his hands down my back and grabbed my ass as he rode me, slapping it, I could tell he was getting close because his thrust were quicker and more erratic.

"I'm going to cum...I'm sorry, I can't hold it."

There was an odd conflict in his voice, but there was so much lust behind it his tone that it turned me on.

"Don't apologize Bucky...I want you to cum, I want to feel you."

He let out a very deep and guttural moan.

After a moment he pressed forward knocking me off of my knees and down onto my stomach as I felt him cum. He grabbed one of my hips and pulled me up against him as he finished emptying his balls in me and I came just as he was finishing.

We fell on our sides as he pulled his cock out of me panting, while catching his breath he pulled the covers up over us and cuddled me as his cum sticky came out of me.

I turned in his arms and kissed him. He looked tired but happy, reaching up I stroked his face, his soft blue eyes closed, and he passed out. Smirking I closed my eyes, smug in the fact that I wore him out.

I woke up startled, my super soldier DNA came out letting me know that someone was in the room with me.

I sat up and saw...The Winter Soldier.

There was something different and just...wrong. He had long hair tied back and a rough beard, but his arm was the dark Vibranium. He looked stronger than 1940's Bucky - I had forgotten how the super soldier serum had affected his body.

"Come here..."

His voice was deep as he reached out with the arm and pulled me out of the bed, I cried in alarm as he pulled my complete naked body against his stronger one.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now