Nothing For You

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Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, injury, kidnapping, and possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, and swearing.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Kennedy's Point of View ---

Our mouths both fought for dominance as we kissed, his tongue slipped in my mouth and he backed me against the wall - shoving me a bit roughly.

He won and I submitted to him, relaxing in his arms as he took control of me and continued to kiss me deeply.

I had to pull my mouth from his because he was basically suffocating me.

"Bucky stop this is wrong." I struggled against him but he was unmoving and strong, I was trapped - not that I minded, I realized that I still had feelings for this Bucky - even though he has changed.

Shit this was so confusing, I regretting going back into time.

"Focus doll."

He grabbed my jaw and made me face him, it was somewhat a painful feeling and I knew he could feel it but he didn't move his hand.

He made me look into his blue eyes, his jaw was set hard, there was a hardness in his eyes that I had no idea.

"Is it wrong?"


"Fuck Chase..."

He pulled my leg up and wrapped it around his waist, I could feel how hard he was against my core.

'Oh god don't fuck me in the same house as my timeline Bucky.' My brain screamed. It was up to him to stop this because I knew that if he pressed it - I would give in completely.

"Do you have any idea how long I have been looking for you? How long I have denied myself pleasure because all I wanted to do was have you in my arms again.

"How did you come to have a TEMPAD?"

"It's a long story."

I really wanted to know how he got it, because it was something that shocked me, because I couldn't fathom how he became entangled with the TVA.

"Loki will stop you, he will not stand for this." I growled, he let out a laugh, it was a very dark and creepy laugh, not my Bucky's or This Winter Soldiers, but it was something very different.

"Did Shuri or Ayo help you with the TEMPAD?"

His eyes narrowed.

"You mean the two women from Wakanda? I've never been there, heard about them however, why do you ask?"

My eyes widened, so that is what was wrong with him - that's why he felt different from my timeline Bucky, he was still technically The Winter Soldier only deactivated, without any intervention from Shuri, so does that mean he could still be activated?

Activated but not controlled, interesting.

He was a very different man, this was not a Bucky that I knew.

He put his hand on the wall behind me and pushed back. It was so abrupt that I almost fell down on the ground.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me forward back into the room where my Bucky was passed out on the floor.

He used the TEMPAD to open up the door, curiosity made me not fight him.

"Please, I'm willing to go with you, I don't want to leave Bucky..."

He let go of my arm and I fell to my knees on the floor.

He looked at the other Bucky - still unconscious on the floor, his eyes narrowed, and time seemed to slow, I watched but was unable to stop him.

He pulled out a gun with a silencer pointed it at Bucky's chest.

I watched in transfixed horror as Bucky stop breathing instantly as the other Bucky grabbed me by my arm and hauled me to my feet.

"Problem solved... there is nothing here for you now."

I was able to look back at Bucky's now lifeless still body on the ground just one last time before I was gestalt push forward, for reasons I can't understand I willingly stepped through the door, Stumbling I fell onto a ground and looked up at the sky, shaking.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now