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--- Chase's Point of View ---

"I was hoping you would call for me at some point."

I turned and gave him somewhat of an anxious expression, I couldn't understand why sometimes he came without being asked and other times I had to call him.

I didn't think I should beat around the bush. "I'm having twins."

He nodded leaning against the wall, crossing his arms across his chest.

"I know, I have met them, they are beautiful."

" met them?" I burst into tears and he came over and hugged me, I could feel my entire body shaking as he held me.

"Shh, it's okay, you are okay..." I buried my face into his chest and he rubbed my back doing this best to comfort me.

"I don't know what to do, this is so messed everything okay the in future."

I felt his whole-body tense.

"I was...stopped and I only got to meet the kids, but you need to go to Bucky."

I pulled back and narrowed my eyes at him.

"After what he did to me, how violent he got, I'm not sure that my children are safe with him."

Loki tilted his head and gave me a very patronizing look that was so scathing that I had to ignore the anger that came to the surface.

"Come on Chase you know that he means the kids no harm, he's hurting because he can't be with you and them." He looked down at my slightly swollen belly.

"I don't know if I want to stay with him."

"You don't have to make a decision yet about that, but you need to let him find you or you need to go to him."

I looked at Loki, then looked down and let out a sigh.

"I know better than to try and go against your recommendations."

He stepped forward and in act of rare affection he put his arms around me and pulled me into a hug.

"You need to let Bucky and his darker counterpart take control of you for a little bit."

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

(2 Day's Later)

I stood there on the runway located on the grounds of the new Avengers compound.

I took a deep breath as I saw a small jet line up to land.

"Are you alright? Fuck Buck you are shaking." Sam put his hand on my shoulder, I looked over it and gave him half smile.

"I'm anxious to see her, and our child."

Sam let out a deep guttural laugh.

"The baby isn't born yet."

"Doesn't matter...but are YOU ready to meet Steve's great granddaughter?" I teased right back.

The plane landed and came to a stop a few yards from his, the engine shut off and the door in the side opened.

I felt my breath hitch as my beautiful...girlfriend? Can I call her that? Stepped off the plane, she was wearing a forest green knitted sweater, jeans and boots.

She started walking towards me.

Seeing her something broke in my heart and soul, I jogged over to her, she looked shocked and then when I got close I felt like crying when she opened her arms to me.

I hugged her lifting her up, kissing her cheek and neck, my bionic hand tangling in her hair as I held her close against me.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I've missed are you?"

I set her down on her feet, noticing that her sweater matched her eye color, I put my hand on her lower stomach, there was a clear bump.

"How is our child..."

I saw tears in her eyes, and I pulled her against me in a hug again.

"Children, our children are healthy as far as we can tell."

"Thank god...wait did you just say children? As in plural?" I gently pushed her back and made eye contact with her.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now