Starting to Heal

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"You are so beautiful..."

When he said this I was naked, honestly ever since having the twins I had been a little bit insecure, but he was looking at me like I was the most beautiful women in the world, I could see the absolute adoration in his expression.

It was intoxicating and very flattering to be looked at like this, something that I really needed, there was a cold chill in the air but I did nothing to cover myself up.

Casually Bucky reached up and cupped my breast, it was such a sexual move that I bit my lip to keep myself from moaning, I let him touch me at his own leisure.

Taking a deep breath that came out as a shutter, I looked down at him amazed and in complete awe at this man that was mine.

Slowly I ran my fingers across his bionic arm and chest – loving how little goosebumps broke out across his skin at my soft touch, I didn't even want to fuck him now, I was simply just enjoying being close to him.

"Did you ever think that we would end up here?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have known me for years, even before I knew who you were – I can't imagine keeping the secret about Steve."

"It was hard sometime, because we were exiting on the same timeline, Grandpa Steve told me all about you, and I do mean everything – honestly I think in a way I was in love with you before I even met you, at first it was just a schoolgirl crush, then it turned into something more when I met you when we were both adults, I always knew that I wanted you."

He gave me a soft smile.

"Are you not going to do anything I said I am all yours?" He teased gently.

"Sorry I am just enjoying the view." I threw back at him in a playful manner.

He leaned back even more if that was possible, he put his hands at the back of his head and looked up at me, when his muscles flexed, I felt like whimpering.

And for reasons that I am not willing yet to dive into, the sound of his bionic harm moving turned me on.

"Can we cuddle." I asked it so shyly, smiling he moved over and opened up his arm, I laid down next to him, placing my head on his chest, he put his bionic arm around me.

"Do you want to remove the arm...would it be more comfortable?"

"I want to hold you with both my arms; besides it is kind of an attachment now, I hardly notice it."

Feeling more content than I had in a long time, I snuggled against his chest, closing my eyes I inhaled enjoying the distinct manly smell of him.

{Next Morning}

By the time it was the next morning I had no idea I had fallen asleep, sitting up I didn't see Bucky in bed with me, standing up I walked into the room next door where our children were.

He was feeding our son, and our daughter was in her pram, dressed cutely. I also noticed that he had dressed our son.

He looked up at me and smiled, he was dressed nicely, his hair was wet and combed in place, he looked so handsome and clean.

"Hi... get dressed."


"We are going to spend a day out in the countryside as a family, you and I both need some time with the kids."

My heart melted when he said that, because he was right, we had been so caught up in our own drama and emotions, I have a feeling that Bucky and I had forgotten that we are basically a small family, and we needed some time together.

"Let me shower and get dressed, then I'll go down to the kitchen and get a picnic packed."

"Sounds good, I'll get us ready." He looked down at our son smiling.

I turned and walked to the room to go to the shower – the idea of having a family afternoon was so romantic and emotionally appealing that you felt your damaged and roughed up heart starting to heal a little. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now