Ready to Comply

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Warning: Chapter contains possible trigger warnings and swearing.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

{Present Day}

Lord this house was huge. I couldn't stop thinking about Loki's warning and how he just seemed to fade in and out of existence and I half wondered if I had imagined it - she needed to explain Loki to me. I made my way past the alarms easily...a bit to easily if you ask me - that annoyed me because she wasn't safe.

After making my way deeper into the house I walked into this huge...ballroom I think, when I heard her voice all around me...loudly.


The moment the first word was said I felt sick to my stomach and I double dover...there was a pull from somewhere deep inside me, something forgotten...

"No...please don't Chase..." I whimpered, this couldn't be happened, this SHOULDN'T be happening I felt like I was sinking again into quicksand and I felt myself slipping away.

"Rzhavyy... "Semnadtsat...Rassvet...Pech....Devyat...dobroserdechnyy...vozrashcheniye na radinu...odin...gruzovoy vagon..." My mind gave no resistant as I gave my mind over to her, I was under her control, I felt nothing.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I set down my phone after I finished and finished my beer.

After a moment I looked back at the CCTV camera on my phone and saw that he hadn't moved, with a sigh I decided to confront him - might as well because he wasn't going anywhere, I was down to the main ballroom and I walked into it - stopping when I saw him, unmoving...something was wrong.

Using cautious steps and pulling out my Sai I walked up to him, he was standing still...slowly I walked even farther forward holding my weapons, I stepped in front of him - dropping my Sai's on the ground I cupped his cheeks and made him look down at me.

His beautiful blue eyes were utterly blank, I started to sober up real quick.

"B...Bucky?"  His facial expression was blank as well. I took a step back, spooked and shaking. This wasn't Bucky - blue eyes tracked me across the room. It was a predatory gaze - a dangerous one.

I was shivering so hard the word almost did not come out. "Soldier?" I questioned gently.

"Gotov podchinit'sya..." in perfect Russian.... Ready to Comply.

I burst into tears. "Holy fucking shit - I am so sorry...I didn't know this would happen..." I apologized but the Winter Soldier gave no response. I stepped back even more, I shouldn't have been able to active him.

And what is worse is I have no idea how to...deactivate him...

I had to choke back my tears and get a grip of myself as I walked forward and took his face into my hands, forcing him to look at me.

"Bucky, you need to come back to me." I asked gently - nothing...with a sigh I pulled out my phone and called someone I should have weeks ago.

"Where the hell have you been..." Shuri answered, playfully.

"I'm sorry I haven't called but I have a serious problem..."

"What is it?" I took a deep breath, knowing this wasn't going to go down well.

"Ok so I...activated Bucky, uh The Winter Soldier..." I confessed quickly.

"You activated The White Wolf?" She gasped.

"Yes..." I clarified.

"Are you kidding are you talking to him...what have I missed the past few days?" She gasped shocked.

"I'll explain later, how do I snap him out of this?"

"Let me get back to you... keep him with you...where are you?"

"My house in Germany..."

"Keep your phone on..." She hung up and I put my phone back into my pocket and looked back up, his blue eyes were still on me.

I walked up close to him because I could say anything I gasped as he grabbed the back of my head, his metal hand tangling in my hair I reached behind my head to grab his hand but he pulled me against him. My hands pressed up against his chest in reflex.

"Ya pomnyu tebya" His voice was deep and calm - it took me a moment to figure out he just said. "I remember you..."

I went to say something, but his lips crashed down on mine in a rough, primal kiss.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now