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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I was in the kitchen putting together a picnic basket, when a voice cleared behind me, turning startled at the sound - because the area was so quiet, and I didn't hear someone come up behind me. I saw Sam standing there.

"Uh, hi Sam."

"Hi...going out today?" He leaned against the table, I dry swallowed looking at him, I found that I couldn't read his expression, and that unsettled me.

It was so odd being near him because he was Captain America now, as per my grandfather's wishes, it hurt seeing him wield the shield, not because I minded him holding it, but because I missed my grandpa so much.

As an adult I realize just how

"Yes, Bucky and I are having a family afternoon."

He nodded, looking down, crossing his arms.

"Do you have a mission?" I nodded at what he was wearing, he looked down at his expression seemed like he forgot that he was wearing his outfit.

"Yes." He looked up at me and said nothing more, and I didn't want to ask.

"It's hard to look at you?"

He said it so softly you wondered if you heard him right.


"You look so much like Steve, more feminine but anyone can tell that you are related." He took a deep breath, pushing away from leaning against the chair and walked twords you.

"Please don't hurt him again."

I found that my spine felt like it was now ridged.

"I didn't mean to hurt him before, and I have no intention or hurting him again."

"You are the mother of his children, so you have more power over him than you realize, but I care about Bucky and I don't want him to be destroyed by you."

"I really don't want to be having this conversation with you."

"I hope I am not being too obtuse with my words - but your grandfather thought that I was worth having the shield handed down to..."

"That is completely and utterly irrelevant, I am not my grandfather, and that part of his life has nothing to do with my romantic relationship with Bucky."

"I didn't mean offence."

"I'm sure you didn't Sam but I am taking it."

I picked up the basket and starred to walk out of the room, I did the best to keep my temper down as I walked outside and down the street, I found Bucky standing there, he had a hovercraft that was used in Wakanda, there was two seats in the front of it, and in the back he had the baby carriers strapped in.

"There is a beautiful place that I know of, but it takes a while to get to, let's go."

It was warm and I walked over to the hovercraft getting in next to Bucky, I looked over at the window on the upper floor where the kitchen was, I saw Sam standing at the window looking down.

I felt anger boil up in me, not so much because of him confronting him, but because on some level I knew that he was right, he had ever right to question me intentions and the kind of person I am, and how I have already hurt Bucky.

When we started driving, I put Sam, James and everyone else in the back of my mind, I would worry about it later – I was only got to focus on Bucky and our twins today, we all needed that. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now