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--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Present Day - 1 Month Later}

It has been a long and emotionally painful month sense he walked out of my house, and turns out my life is never going to be the same after I activated him this second time.

I laid on the bed curled up in the fetal position exhausted and scared, having forced myself to eat lunch because I was having a lot of trouble holding food down - I had been for a week now.

"Love..." Loki's voice startled me, I felt my heart rate pick up and my breathing start hard but I didn't look at him.

"You knew didn't fucking knew this was going to happen."

"I'm so sorry, I know things however this is a new development - it's hard to explain but I didn't know right away, and I have no idea how this is now going to go - at least not yet." He apologized, he picked up the early detection digital test that I had taken today and well as the paper to it.

POSITIVE it had read. Next to it was a print out from the blood test I took at the doctors office.

It was today that officialy reality came crashing down onto me, Bucky...The Winter Soldier had impregnated me the last time we were together.

"I'm pregnant and alone, I never thought I would be in this situation." I felt Loki come over and sit on the side of the bed and put his hand on my thigh.

"You are not should tell Bucky about your condition..." I shook my head.

"I'm too scared to Loki - besides he's the one who fucked me, impregnated me and left." I confessed, somewhat bitterly, I know it wasn't fair but I was upset.

"I understand your emotions on this, uh Chase...this has the wrong conception date on it..." He looked up at me, eyes narrowed, I took the paper seeing the doctor put me at 2 months pregnant, instead of one month.

I shrugged at the typo not thinking much of it I laid back down on the bed setting it down beside me.

"You should get that changed darling..."

"Yeah I'll do that later." I was a bit annoyed, I wondered if I would have morning sickness the whole time. And I might have to go to Wakanda, I can't have a regular doctor, because I am part super soldier and I would be giving birth to a super soldiers child.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

{Present Day - 1 Month Later}

I missed her, I missed her every day damn day while I was in Wakanda. Shuri couldn't figure out how Chase was able to activate me and it was annoying her on a personal level.

It was early in the morning and I was sparring with one of their fighters, I had so much energy theses days and nothing to use it on.

Honestly at this point I wasn't even mad about her saying the activation words anymore , I knew that she hadn't meant to take control of me - there was no malice in her actions, and she was upset when I left. I was as well.

Seriously she could have complete control of me - in some ways she already did, I just wanted to be near her - I felt bad for leaving her after the way he had treated her.

I know it makes me sound insane, but even with the little interaction that we had I still want to be with her, to protect her I got distracted remembering how I had taken her again - I could still remember what it felt like to be inside her as I came, my sparring partner hit me so hard I fell down.

"If you keep on getting distracted by whatever is in your mind you are going to end up getting yourself killed..." She explained, I sighed and sat up, rotating my metal arm to make it feel better.

I nodded at my sparring partner and she left, I went up to Shuri's lab and I saw her angerly working on something.

"Everything alright?" I asked, knowing it was a stupid question but I was being polite.

"No..." She pulled up a document on the screen moving it so it was right in front of me, yet I had no idea what I was looking at.

"Chase didn't tell me that she was two months pregnant...she's like a sister to me."

My eyes went wide at the words. "She was pregnant when I..." I thought about it, remembering how close her and Loki had been.

"I have no clue who the father could be, we always told each other everything." She was clearly more hurt that she had to find out about Chases delicate condition on her own.

"I think it might be Loki's." I explained, suddenly feeling sick to my stomach, I had no idea how to handle that if it's true. Steve would be fucking rolling in his damn grave.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now