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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, - so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I stopped dead in my tracks when I walked out of the room, I had woken up alone in the bed, I looked and saw our kids were out of the crib.

I felt myself look around wildly looking for them, it was then that I remembered where I was, and I felt the tension leave my body quickly.

I let out a deep sigh that I didn't know I was holding, I knew they were safe, and after a moment I felt my heart rate settle. I laid and relaxed for a while, enjoying the peace and quiet.

Silence was wonderful right now, because so much have happened and I am a new mother I have been busy every second, it was nice just being alone with my thoughts.

With a sigh I got up and made my way to the bathroom, starting the shower I started stretching my body before I stepped in, I gently moaned at the enjoyment of having hot water on my sore muscles as I moved them slowly – I was only part super soldier, my body still ached sometimes.

I stood there thinking about what to do next, and what I wanted.

I knew that I should stay with my Bucky, he was the father of my children, I got out of the shower and dressed, pulling up my hair into a wet bun.

Being cautions I walked out of the room; I looked down at the lower level. Shuri and Bucky were talking, Bucky was holding our daughter, and Shuri was holding our son, he leaned down and kissed our daughter's nose.

Slowly I walked down the stairs, and walked up on them, it took a moment for them to notice me.

"Hi doll, please don't be mad, I wanted to show off our kids." He gave me an elated grin; I found my heart melting at that.

"It's okay, you are their father – you have just as much a right to them as I do." I assured.

He stepped forward and put his hand on my back, pulling me to him he kissed me, surprisingly deeply.

"Are you apposed to having someone watch them for a while mom?" Shuri asked, I gave her what I thought was a curious look.

"Bucky was just saying he walked to take you on a picnic date to where he used to live her."

I looked at our kids, I was hesitant, Bucky leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"You don't have to have your guard up all the time anymore, no one here is going to take your kids from you or harm them, this is the safest place they can be, let me pamper you a little."

"I would like that."

"Okay." Shuri looked over her shoulder nodding at someone who came over and took our daughter from Bucky, he hesitated a little bit but gave her over.

"You can come fetch them when you are back... Bucky you will find a hovercraft outside with the food you requested in the back."

Bucky put his hand on my lower back and lead me outside. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now