Bucky Comes Back

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Chapter Warning: Sexual content, swearing, and possible trigger warning.

Authors Note: Sorry updates have taken a moment, work had been crazy and I have hit another writers block wall, I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far! Thank you for reading my story!


--- Chase's Point of View ---

(Present Day)

"So...a girl...huh?"

We had been basking in the afterglow of sex and we were just relaxing in bed, I felt safe in his arms, even if I was missing Bucky.

My soldiers bionic hand was still resting on my lower stomach, I looked over at him and smiled him.

"That's what Loki said."

I honestly trusted Loki on this, he seemed fairly sure this was a girl.

"Have you thought of names?"

I laughed at his tone of voice, so inquisitive and pressing.

"I don't know if I want to give her a Russian name."

I teased a little bit, but it was the honest truth, as much as I love speaking Russian it isn't my first language.

"Fair enough, what do you want would you want to name our daughter?"

For some reason hearing him call her 'our daughter' threw me for a little bit of a curve and I had to recover a bit.

"I always liked the name Sarah, after my great, great, great grandmother."

"That's a lovely name, I always like the name Natasha."

"Like Black Widow?"

"Yeah like her... she did save us all, it would honor her in a way – I thought what she did was an ultimate act of bravery."

He was right about that. I let out a soft sigh thinking about what she had done to save everyone.

"Come into my arms my love, I want to hold you."

I mused for a moment that it was odd to hear him talk to me with a kinder voice, even if it was in Russian.

I rolled over and snuggle up against his side and he pulled me into him, he turned his head and started kissing me, I kissed him back, unwilling to admit out loud that I wished it was Bucky.

His hand slowly moved to the back of my head and he pulled me in closer and I snuggled against him more, deepening the kiss and he gently bit my bottom lip a few times before continuing to kiss me.

I pulled back from him, then moving over I rolled onto of him and looked down at him. He blue eyes were guarded, and his hands squeezed my ass.

"The cum on and in me is itchy, I'm going to take a shower."

I jumped up off of him then off of the bed, grabbing a blanket off of the chair in my room to cover myself.

Soldier raised up on his arms and fixed me with a look, he was a look of pure sex holding himself up on his bionic arm – naked, with a blanket covering him.

Fucking sex god.

Blushing when I realized that man had just fucked the life out of me - went right into the bathroom and got into the shower, turning the water on hot I put my head under the water stream.

After a moment when I was still scrubbing off his cum when I heard the door open.


I didn't look up at him as I started rinsing off the soap, and he stepped into the shower and quickly rinsed off beside me, I still had soap on my face so I was washed it off.

"Solider are you alright?"

I was worried that he hadn't responded to me the first time.

"Not him, it's Bucky baby."

I turned around sharpy at his tone of voice, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him, he felt different, this was my Bucky.

He wrapped his arms around me in a full hug.

"Don't leave me again, please stay with me..."

I begged, trying to hold back tears.

"Shh, shh, it's alright, I'm here and I'm going to stay for now." There was an ominous tone to his voice that unsettled me.

I kept on hugging him as he reached around and turned off the shower, I wrapped my legs around his waist and kept my arms wrapped around his neck.

His bionic arm was holding me up with ease.

Holding me he stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me and carried me back to the bedroom.

"Are you going to let go of me?"

He teased.


Turning he sat down on the edge of the bed and moved my legs so I was straddling him. I put both my hands on either side of his jaw – cupping his face as I looked at him.

"I love you."

He smiled, a genuine and full smile, something that was a rarity for him – in that smile I saw I had my Bucky back.

"I love you too...I'm sorry that I gave him power earlier, I didn't want to get so upset that I said or do something I regret."

'So you let the damn Winter Soldier part of you take over – yeah because he is known for being calm an non violent?' My brain sarcastically responded, however I replied differently.

"It's ok...can we get some food, having a super soldiers child means I'm burning more calories than normal."

I said this offhandedly and not looking at him, and it took me more than a few seconds to realize my mistake.

I looked up at him – knowing there wasn't a chance in hell he didn't catch that detail, his eyes were narrowed and his head was tilted to the side.

"The father of your child is a super soldier?"

Well Shit.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now