What Are You Going To Do To Me?

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Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading and commenting, it means the world to me, have a wonderful day!!!

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Present Day}

I was just getting into bed, for reasons I didn't wish to explain I put on a tiny black nightdress when Loki appeared in the room leaning against the desk. He looked me over, I saw he wanted to say something but didn't

"Hey I'm leaving you in his care for now..."

With a sigh I nodded and laid down on my back, refusing to look at him.

"You're not going to tell him the baby is his right now are you?"

I finally looked at him and shook my head wordlessly.

"I will respect your decision but you really shouldn't keep it from him, you need to think about the emotional consequences if he finds out the baby is actually his from someone who isn't you."

I knew he was right, but I wasn't sure that I could trust Bucky.

"I can't tell him, maybe my hesitation is because it was The Winter Soldier that impregnated me - not Bucky. Also why are you leaving me with him?"

He tilted his head at you in typical Loki fashion

"Do you think he won't protect you? I think at this point he might just lay down his life for you."

"It's not his 'protection' that I am worried about."

"You can be utterly foolish at times girl." With that Loki stepped forward and kissed my forehead before leaving.

With a sigh I snuggled into bed.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I finished eating and put away the dishes, I found that I was exhausted in a way I hadn't been since being on the run.

Slowly I walked upstairs and into her bedroom, I softly opened the door being careful not to wake her up. The room was dimly lit and she was sleeping peacefully.

I walked over to the side of the bed, looking down at her I realized just how beautiful she was.

Sam and I had this conversation once, he joked that I should be with a girl who was a hardcore fighter like me - I didn't agree, I was forced to become a super soldier and an assassin, I wanted a soft, curvy, kind and feminine girl - a girl like Chase.

I took off my shirt and left my pants on, laying down next to her on my back I looked up at the ceiling, trying to go to sleep. I went to sleep without realizing it and was woken up when I felt someone touch me.

Chase was awake and I opened my eyes in just enough time to watch her straddled my hips, I didn't push her off and she was looking at me with a very serious expression.

Gently I rested my hands on her hips, she looked down at my metal arm.

"Take off the arm." She demanded.

I widened my eyes at her.

"What do you mean...why... I feel odd without it." Moving the metal arm I put my hand on her lower stomach, where the baby was growing, she gasped at the contact.

"Can you honestly say that sleeping with it is comfortable?"

It was a direct question, and for some reason I couldn't lie to her.

"Not really."

"Then remove it."

I let out a rueful laugh.

"Makes me feel like half a man without it."

She said nothing to that, tilting her head mimicking Loki slightly. I sighed.

While looking at her I gently reached over and detached my arm, she didn't allow me to sit up but she did take it and leaning over gently set it on the bedside table.

Her hands came back to my chest and she ran her hands across it - then gently with her fingers she traced the scars on my left arm that I got while being the Winter Soldier.

Then she placed one hand on my stomach and the other against my throat.

It was erotic and frightening, I didn't move - hoping she would touch me more.

"You seem all man to me Bucky - the arm makes no difference."

"What are you going to do to me?" I couldn't help the shake in my voice, without the arm I felt vulnerable.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now