Not Over

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

Again without any warning I felt like my whole body was shaking, I wasn't sure why I was so anxious to be alone with him, I had made love to this man, I had known him my whole life, meeting him when I was 16 – I was safe with this man.

He smiled at me and I smiled back at him as we sat down on the large blanket.

He pulled out sandwiches, potato chips, and what looked like a veggie try, setting them down on the blanket, he handed me one, it was a turkey club.

I smiled looking at it.

"I know, I wanted something so boringly American that we could both enjoy."

"Thank you Bucky, this looks wonderful, I don't think that I have been on a picnic for years."

"I myself have never been on one." We smiled at one another.

I took a bite of the sandwich, the moment the food hit my stomach I realized that I was ravenous, I thought back to the last few days, I hadn't really been eating, something that happened when I didn't feel alright.

I ate it quickly, I looked up at Bucky, noticing that he was giving me a soft and easy smile, I blushed, I wasn't sure why I was bashful about that.

"It's okay, you think I haven't noticed you not eating much? I have, I'm happy to see you, try this."

He held up a carrot that dipped in what wasn't ranch, it was to orange, I took a bite, it was spicy and flavorful.

"That is good..." I laugh, I felt so at ease and happy that guilt suddenly started to creep up and I wrapped my arms around myself, suddenly sad.

"What is it doll?"

"It's just...everything is just so insane – and so much had happened the past few months, I didn't mean for any of it to happen, fuck I feel so guilty."

"About...James... going though time."

"Yes, I didn't know it would cause two different timelines, Bucky I destroyed him as a man – as a human, that is why I stayed with him I think – why I didn't fight to hard, why I submitted to him, it was the remorse of the situation, how can you so easily forgive me? How can you still want me?"

"Hey, hey.. easy Doll, take a few deep breaths."

He moved forward and put his hands on either side of my face, making me look him in the eyes, I saw deep love and caring there, making my heart melt.

"It's okay to be overwhelmed, you have been through way more than is good for you – emotional turmoil and stress, as well as given birth to our twins, so yes I can forgive you – and I will always love you, I should have not let my temper get the better of me, I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you that you ran and used the time door. I am also at fault in this."

I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him.

"I hate this, I'm so scared this is not over."

I felt his chest against mine rise and fall, he leaned his head down and kissed my shoulder.

"I know, I don't think it is, but for now, in this moment, we are safe..."

He pulled back and took a chip, putting it up to my lips I ate it, smiling though my tears, being fed like that was an odd sort of intimacy.

In this moment I realized that I wanted to be close to him again, I wanted to make love, James and Bucky may technically be the same person, but their bodies are different, just little things, and I wanted to get used to my Bucky's body, mind and soul again.

I looked up at him and I knew that he got what I wanted.

"Let's finish eating, you need to eat more, then we can spend the rest of the day in bed, getting reacquainted."

I picked up some veggies and started eating, it was a good sign that my appetite was coming back. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now