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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

(In Between Time)

I was a little bit panicked, when I saw him go, I looked around, he had just left me here. I could tell the guilt in him, and I could tell that he wasn't bluffing.

He really had interfered too much, but I was just as guilty, I let my love for the 1942 Bucky overcome my logic and better judgement.

It was then that I realized that he had said 'Steve and Bucky'. I had a feeling that he was going to bring a younger version of my great grandfather.

I was shocked beyond anything – and I was starting to get scared, because I love James, I love my timelines Bucky, and I wasn't willing to admit at this time to myself who I love more.


I yelped at hearing James outside the house, he sounded happy, quickly I got out of bed and dressed. I looked over and saw James caring two food boxes.

"Woah, why are you dressed, what is wrong..."

"Buck...James...I don't want to see you killed."

I started crying a little bit hard. 

"Woah, easy doll what are you talking about." He set down the food on the bedside table and walked up to me, putting his hand on my upper arms rubbing them, his touch soothed my anxious mind.

"Loki found me, he said that he is going to be back with Bucky and Steve to take care of you. He means it James – you have to run."

He looked down and I could see the confliction on his face at hearing this, he shook his head and ran a frustrated hand though his hair, letting out a deep sigh.

He moved forward and put his hand on either side of my cheeks, putting his lips close to mine he gently kissed them – then pulled back.

"You have to choose now doll, you are going to have to pick between us..."


I nuzzled my head into his chest, and he put his bionic hand on the back of my head and cradled me against him.

After a moment he pushed me away and opened up a time door with a TemPad, and he picked up the food containers.

"You have to pick Chase, me or him..."


"You have to pick, I wont force you to come with me thought his door, you have to make that choice of your own free will – and from now on we will be on the run.

"Hold on..."

I went over to the desk and pulled out a paper and wrote a note, sighing it I walked up to James, he didn't ask as I took his hand and he led me though the time door.

--- Loki's Point of View ---

(In Between Time)

I walked thought the time door with Bucky and Steve, Bucky had his gun and Steve had his shield as we went right into the room.

"Where is she..." Bucky growled, looking around.

He looked over at the desk, and walked over, picking up a piece of paper... he read it.

"Fuck that... he made her write this..."

I walked over to him and took the note.


My love, you need to let me go, please don't come after me, I belong with a different timelines Bucky, I have been lost for so long – like I didn't have a place in this world, and I finally feel safe and at home – I'm an anomaly and I feel like I should be with someone who is also and anomaly – I love you and I always will. Forgive me.

-          Chase

"She wouldn't."  I muttered.

I opened a time door and walked though it, ignoring Bucky and Steve's yells, I was back 7 years in the future, where I saw her children...

I dropped to my knees...the house was gone – the future was in motion now – after a moment I went back to the other house.

Bucky and Steve looked over at me, annoyed, they were leaning against the wall – had I really been gone that long?

"Where did you go?" Steve asked.

"To see something, she was disrupted the timeline, she has no fixed future. Bucky walked up to me, I could see the anguish and pain in his face.

"Help me get her back Loki, we have to go after them."

I let out a deep sigh.

"I know..."

I knew that she couldn't stay with 1942 Bucky, even though she just clearly picked him. What the hell was she thinking?

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now