Animalistic Memories

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Chapter Warning: Chapter contains Violence and Injury as well as Sexual Encounters.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Present Day}

I was pulled out of my house and down the front steps, I saw there was an unmarked black SUV on the side of the street.

With his hand still grasping my arm we walked around to the passenger side and opened the door, I saw him activate the child safety lock and shove me into the car, closing the door and effectively locking me in there. He went around to the driver side and got in.

"Seat belts..." He demanded, I put mine on and with a sigh I leaned my forehead against the cool glass window of the car.

I found that I was suddenly terrified of him remembering me from not only Germany, but the other times... Loki may care for me but he is still a trickster god - yes I had forced encounters with Bucky that were scarring and violent - I didn't want Bucky to know what happened - it would hurt him and traumatize me more.

If he remembered the German encounter, honestly he might remember the others, fuck if he remembered the others... I couldn't deal with it. I'd run or take Loki up on his offer. I couldn't handle it.

I saw Bucky and The Winter Soldier as if they were two different people, in many ways they were - my other past encounters were with The Winter Soldier in full control of his body, not Bucky - in Germany that had been Bucky.

I closed my eyes and suppressed memories came back to me.

{2014: MCU: Captain America: The Winter Solider}

"Loki you asshole, why did you bring me here..." I growled. This son of a bitch put me right on the path of The Winter Soldiers rampaging path of fire and blood. A few weeks ago I celebrated my 18th birthday. And I was thrown back in time

"You need to see this, you need to be aware of the man that you are infatuated with." He mocked, I turned and gave him an exacerbated look.

"I am not infatuated." I growled, Loki was beside me and he stepped aside quickly.

"You're something with him Chase - I merely want to break you of this, and this is a good way to test your fighting skills." He added with amusement in his voice -

"Against a super soldier...really?" I growled over my shoulder - he had to be fucking kidding me. I looked up to see Bucky coming right at me on the freeway. I had just watched my great grandfather get thrown off a damn overpass.

The Winter Soldier, wearing his face mask walked by me and pointed his gun at me and fucking pulled the trigger, I did an aerial to the side - using my super soldier DNA to respond and the bullet missed me by a fraction of an inch.

He stopped and fixated on me - yeah that got his attention clearly, then came after me, even though I knew I wasn't his target, it shocked me he even bothered with me. Normally when activated he focused solely on his target.

I really didn't want to fight him, but he came at me, pulling out his knife - and slashing at me - I blocked him and he moved again - faster this time, he was cold and mechanical in his movements - with one move he slashed my side, the knife cutting deep - the pain was excruciating.

I looked up and could see his eyes though the goggles, it was unsettling.

"God" I wept out in pain as I fell to the ground, he stopped, his grip loosening on the knife - He was startled and that gave Loki enough time to grab me and pull me from the timeline, I was severely injured and losing blood.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now