Reunited in Pain

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Skaneateles, New York – 1990 – One Month Later}

I walked around the house, both of the kids were sleeping, they seemed to be easy – I wasn't sure if that it was because of the super soldier DNA or what but they both took their bottles easy and slept, they didn't cry much.

I wasn't sure that I liked being a housewife. It was a little bit boring.

I already had dinner in the crockpot cooking, as well as some freshly made rolls – James always complimented me on my dinner – my body had recovered, and we made love often at night.

I heard cooing from the babies room from the monitor.

I smiled happy our kids were woken up.

I walked into the back room; I stopped dead in my tracks.

I saw Loki standing there, looking down at our kids, he didn't look at me but I knew that he knew that I was there.

"They are beautiful...I had taken care of the timelines that you set out, the incursion that you have caused has been settled, you only have your original timeline, and then this one."

I felt my chest tighten at hearing that.

"What did you do?"

"Things that I will never speak of... you shouldn't be with this Bucky...this is the last timeline that I have to destroy."

I felt my tears start to come, Loki looked over at me, I don't know why but he seemed almost older than before.

"You are not going to take my kids from me."

He looked over at me shocked.

"I would never take them from you, they are from your original timeline, they are Bucky, not this Bucky's but the Bucky that was saved by Steve...YOUR Bucky..."

"I don't want to be with him."

The moment I knew this was a fundamental lie, I loved James, I did, but I missed Bucky so much.

"What are you going to do."

"I will give you two choices, you can write James a letter and we will go back to your natural timeline with the kids, you will be then taken to a private house that Tony Stark has been sitting on, and then I will send Bucky to you."

I could feel my heart race so hard and roughly, I felt sick to my stomach.

"And the second choice."

"I will send Bucky after you, and he has mostly given into the Winter Soldier, and he will kill James..."

I knew that when Loki found me this would be the choice, I walked over and picked up my son, holding him close.

"I will never forgive you for this Loki." I muttered holding him close.

"Yes you will, you and I will aways be in one another orbit, you are like a sister to me – are you ready to note."

I didn't know what to write, I was going to abandon this James for a second time.

"Do you promise you will not hurt James."

"This timeline has it's own end, so I wont harm him, come Chase..." He opened the door, and with a heavy heart I walked through the door.

{Modern Day – One Week Later}

Tony Stark had a hidden home in California, it was state of the art, and it was secluded.

It was the perfect place for me to mourn the loss of James and have some one-on-one time with my children, I could tell that they missed James, I didn't know how but they often looked around as if to try and find him.

I was in the kitchen eating some soup when I heard them on the monitor, both of them giggling. I walked to the room to get them up, and stopping in my tracks dropping my bowl of soup at me feet – shattering al around.

Standing there, holding my...our daughter was Bucky, – from my timeline, I could tell by the arm.

He looked over at me, tears going down his face.

"What are their names?" He sobbed gently.

Her name is Natasha Winnifred Barnes...and his names is Steve Rodgers Barnes.

He swallowed and turned his back to me, cradling our daughter to his neck, I could see the pain in his face, knowing that I had caused it almost destroyed me from the inside out.

"I'm sorry Bucky..."   

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now