Choice in the Matter

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Warning: Chapter contains Sexual elements.

--- Loki's Point of View ---

(Present Day)

I entered the timeline just in time to watch her fall to the floor and Bucky as the Winter Soldier try and reach down and grab her.

"Don't touch her."

My Russian was a bit off, he looked up at me, his blue eyes hard.

"You need to stay out of this, she is having my child."

He got off the bed and made a move towards her, after I told him not to.

"That doesn't give you a right to her, I said don't fucking touch her."

"I'm not going to hurt her."

"Might I remind you that you have, she just remembered you shooting her."

"That is not on me you son of bitch, you are the one that put her in my way - knowing I wouldn't know who she was at the time and hurt her."

I ran a hand though my hair, laughing, I knew she would be alright, she would be awake any moment.

"You and I both are somewhat monsters in her story, you know that Bucky is the only pure one of us that loves her - let him take control or I'll take her from you."

"You are a fucking monster."

"I haven't claimed to be anything else, do it Soldier - she needs Bucky, not you right now."

He narrowed his eyes but I could tell that he understood.

The moment he switched I dissipated from the room, knowing she was safe with Bucky.

--- Chase's Point of View --

(Present Day)

I woke up with a painful headache that made me feel nauseous. I took a deep breath and using my many heightened senses I tried to orient myself without opening my eyes.

I was slowly being rocked and I could hear someone lightly sobbing.

I opened my eyes instantly, I was on the floor being cuddled by Bucky, his head was buried in my chest as he rocked me gently as I was now in his lap and his upper body was leaned up against the bedside table.


Gasping he lifted his head, and looked down at me, I was shocked to see some tears that were falling down his face.

I was happy it was Bucky and not The Winter Solider."

"Thank fucking god you are awake, I was so scared, and I'm not sure how to get a hold of Loki."

"He would have shown up if it was really an issue, fuck how long was I out?"

I felt his hand run across the back of mine and I interlocked my fingers with his as he held my hand comfortingly.

"It was only a few minutes I would say..."

The threat of the Winter Shoulder harming him was still fresh in my mind, and I was really close to him, the thought of him being hurt made me want to move and get off of his lap.

"Don't move baby, we need to make sure that there is no permanent damage."

"Bucky I'm fine."

I struggled but his bionic hard held me in place.

"How are you fine after something like that...god did he hurt you, did he attack you or something? I just snapped out of it, I have no idea what happened between you - it's just blank."

You sighed, the Winter Solider had kept his word about not letting Bucky know about our conversation.

"No he didn't hurt me, I just had a bad memory and I lost it."

I went to move again, and again he stopped me with his bionic arm.

"Stay still."

I let out a playful sigh at his worry.

"You forget that I am technically a super soldier as well Buck, I'm fine...or I will be."

"What about the baby?"

Gasping I looked down at my stomach putting my hand against it, nothing felt off.

"The baby is alright - just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I have turned to glass or something."

Bucky wrapped his arms around me in a huge hug, then maneuvering he picked me up holding me in his arms he set me on the bed.

"Are you going to tell me what the two of you talked about?"

I had to shake my head, I wasn't in the mood for that conversation.

"I need some rest after that, I will be alright I swear, I heal about as fast as you do."

I gasped feeling him gently lay down on top of me, his body was bigger than mine so pinning me was easy.

"You keep denying me and accepting him, I'm tempted not to give you a choice in the matter. Maybe if I'm more like him I would get some attention from you."

"What are you...oh shit..."

I gasped as he slowly ran his lounge from my collar bone and up the side of my throat, my hand tangled in his hair as he kissed my neck, leaving a love bit there.

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for supporting and reading this story, I'm so grateful and happy that people are enjoying it, you are all wonderful and amazing. Thank you !!

My new story is up...

Yes, Daddy ♡-- Bucky Barnes x Reader Smut/BDSM

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now