Stay In Bed With Me

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Chapter Warning: Trigger Warning for mention of Abuse.

--- Chase's Point of View ---


"No, thank are very kind."

"Buck will bring you something that tastes good, you are basically skin and bones." He lightly teased.

I looked away from my great grandfather and played with some threads that came undone on the quilt. I looked down at my own body with narrowed eyes - I was more than a little bit socked.

He was right, it was like I had lost a little bit of weight, must be the baby and my super soldier metabolism.

Steve sat down on the bed next to me...

"My name is Steve... what's yours?"

"I...I can't remember..."

I looked away, hoping that it would make me seem meek and unsure.

"I heard that sometimes stress and bad things can make a person forget - were you hurt?"

Slowly I looked at Steve, he was just as caring as he was in the future.

"I think someone hurt me, but I can't remember."

He nodded, I knew that he understood and accepted my answer.

"Is...Bucky a good person? Am I safe here Steve?"

"He's the best... with him you will be safe."

Steve looked away, I noticed that there was a sadness in his face that wasn't there when I knew him.

"Where are you going?"

Steve cheered up at me asking.

"I'm going to try and enlist, there is a station nearby the Worlds Fair when Bucky get's back..."

"I hope you get in, I think you would make an amazing soldier."

I hoped that it would lead him to meet Dr. Abraham Erskine but for some upsetting reasons I felt like I had damaged the timeline to much.

"I'm back..."

Bucky's voice made me jump, Steve reached out and put his hand on my shoulder to steady me.

"As I said, hes a good guy..."

He left the room and against my super soldier hearing allowed me to hear the conversation.

"She's very skittish Buck, you need to be easy with her, maybe we should take her to a hospital."

"No way, there is something seriously wrong, what if...what if she is being abused?"

"Come on Buck I don't think..."

"I saw it with one of my neighbors - her husband used to beat on her, she is injured, and she looks half starved and she's so shaken up she has forgotten herself."

"Buck are you sure you want to take on the responsibility of looking after her for now..."


"Alright, then what happens when you get bored with her and drop her like you do so many other women."

I leaned back a little bit, I had remembered that before he went to war, Bucky was somewhat of a ladies man and a huge player.

"There...there is something different about her - she isn't just - I will do everything I can to help her."

I heard Steve sigh.

"I think you are right about her being injured by someone Buck, you need to think about going to the police at least."

Oh hell no, I would make a run for it before that happens, I don't need to be that closely scrutinized, and I really needed to start thinking how to charge the TemPad.

"I can handle this myself."

"Alright Buck, I'll be back in a few hours..."

"Just come back tomorrow, she needs an uninterrupted night's sleep I would guess."

He wasn't wrong about that.

I heard Bucky walk back into the room, his blue eyes were so free and clear of any pain that it was almost startling - he was so different than his future self.

"Hey I got you Luncheon Cheese and Eggs sandwich and mashed potatoes..."

"Thank you Bucky... but maybe I should go after I eat, I don't want to put you in danger."

His eyes narrowed and worry spread across his face. He set down the plate of food at the foot of the bed and sat on the bed beside me.

"Why would I be in danger?"

I couldn't believe what I was about to lie about, but I needed to get the TemPad charged, go back in time more and stop myself from landing in this timeline, so I needed an out...

"I...I can't tell you, but I'm scared he will hurt you..."

"I knew it, if someone is hurting you I can keep you safe."

"I don't think you want to look after us..."

In spite of everything that has gone on I wanted to see just how sharp he was now.


His clear innocent blue eyes flicked down and looked at my belly, on instinct my hand covered my lower stomach and I look away.

He reached out and put one arm around me and the other rested on my leg, he pulled me against him.

"Good lord you're with child, and you look like you have been starved, you are not leaving here. Not tonight, not're staying."

I...I don't know why I thought that telling him that I was running away from abuse and pregnant would somehow make him kick me out- while yes both very vaguely true - this is Bucky, a natural protector.

"No this guy is very dangerous." I tried again.

Smiling Bucky reached over and grabbed the plate of food and handed it to me and I held it in my lap, it was a lot of food.

"I'm from Brooklyn baby, I'm not easily scared. Eat, please."

He left the room, I sighed and started eating, I was stressed, and I had to calm down and think, I started eating, getting mostly thought it all. I realized that staying with Bucky might be necessary because I wasn't sure I could feed myself in this time and I had to eat because of the baby.

When he came back in the room, dressed in lounge pants and a shirt - I almost choked at how handsome he was - smaller built but handsome still - I saw he had a glass bottle of milk.

"Milk is good for the baby's growth, at least that's what I've been told, drink this."

"Thank you..." I took it from him.

"There is a toothbrush in the bathroom that's over there, and I will be in the bedroom next door, things will seem less scary in the morning."

With hesitation he turned away.


He turned and faced me at the doorway. I was about to ask that he stay in bed with me, then I realized that it wasn't very proper for a 1940's women to be that forward.

"Thank you, I do feel safe with you..."

He gave his signature smirk.

"Maybe tomorrow you will feel comfortable enough to tell me your name..."

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now